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It is virtually impossible to determine with 100% accuracy the full success of investments in mutual funds, no matter how many people are in the market or not. The main reason is it is a platform where there is no constant, for every one minute, there is a change in the market, which causes rise and fall in the shares, and their investment will be lost and gained. The funds are present to take care of the money of people who don’t have time or have some or any expertise to invest in stocks. They can give you returns that will beat inflation most of the times, and you can increase your money by anywhere between 12% to 24% over 5 to 10 years depending on your timing of the purchase of it. The above returns surely are not worst. But two problems are most likely to hit and prevent you from getting super-rich, out of the league they are: 1) Timing of purchase: You are not expected to get the right timing every-time. Those who bought stocks in 2001 & exited in 2007 end can understan

LinkedIn and Freelancers

Who is a freelancer? Any person who instead of being employed in a company chooses to be self-employed and work with clients independently is called a freelancer. Basically, this is an alternative type of employment in which that person wants to work without enlisting himself/herself under a company or brand. They get work through various sources and perform a variety of tasks. Why LinkedIn? Here is where LinkedIn comes into the picture. It is the best digital marketing application or site of today. There are hundreds of companies that are running Ads for employment and recruitment, this gives the perfect opportunity to the freelancers to develop a connection through LinkedIn and get business. In the last 5 years freelancing business in LinkedIn has increased at a staggering rate of 50%. This means that LinkedIn is also taking freelancing business seriously and continuously improving the tools to increase business connections for freelancers. All a freelancer needs

Marketing Real Estate on LinkedIn

Marketing real estate on LinkedIn is very simple today, all credits to the user-friendly tools that make marketing so much more innovative and unique. The design and templates let one chose his desired format of marketing. It the marketing strategy that makes all the difference at the end of the day. This article is for you if you are looking for tips for marketing at LinkedIn. Setting up your Real Estate Profile To set up your Real Estate Profile you need to follow these simple steps and you’ll be done in no time – ·          Choose a professional headshot and upload it. The photo that you chose must be a decent one and one in which you look confident enough. ·          Get a suitable background picture, this step isn’t that simple as it sounds as the background picture is the first thing that anyone notices and from there on, they browse your profile. ·          The mojo of your Real Estate business needs to be very clearly conveyed through LinkedIn hence write

Pros & Cons of Organic Facebook Marketing

The term organic marketing is known as a process of gaining loyal customers in a natural way and through over a long period of time. This method does not involve any paid marketing strategy. It significantly reduces the cost of marketing by showing a plethora of contents and attracting customers. Now, on Facebook, the process of providing the users a huge amount of content from which the potential customers can pay attention to the content they can relate to is known as Organic Facebook Marketing. It works as the users are shown your advertisements as well as directed to your page, this distribution is non-paid and doesn’t work on a paid structure. This method brings into play another crucial term into play i.e. reach. Reach is the number of people one can reach out to at a single time with his advertisement. Reach factor is highly responsible for the number of people who engage with your content. If the content is good and innovative then the reach will be greater and you can

Facebook’s Marketing Strategy and its Experts

There is no such this as the perfect strategy. All of these are new ideas. Some does work and some lack the potential to work. But there’s no strategy that guarantees 100% effectivity. Marketing in Facebook may get a bit tricky at times, to handle these situations one needs to lay down his/her plan beforehand. This planning beforehand is called making a marketing strategy. Why do we need to make a strategy? It is a thousand times better to have a laid down plan for marketing rather than to wander halfway through about the next course of action. This the effort stays consistent, you know where to make the extra effort to make things work and where there’s a need to reconstruct ideas.    The APT Marketing strategy ·          The first point is very simple. Set short term goals. This will help you to evaluate the process and will be easier to point out the shortcomings. ·          Decide on the budget. This will increase the chances of you investing in the right place

Facebook: The MarketingBook

Facebook is the ever-growing social platform that constantly asks its users of their interests and shows them Ads accordingly. Its thousands of filters work in a unique combination to make the advertising experience most relevant to its users. Its 1.5 billion user base view advertisement every day hundreds of times and this gives a far fetching opportunity to the advertiser to reach out to his/her audience across the globe. The saying goes that the first step is always the hardest but with Facebook’s innovative and easy features creating an Ad is the easiest of first steps. Signup or Login to Facebook and you are all set to create your advertisement. There are numerous formats and page design to suit your needs and enhance your Ad. Creation of a Page for your business: Creating a page on Facebook means providing shelter to your business in the digital platform. A page helps establish the presence of your business and to attract followers by inviting them. The views

How can your brand benefit from Linkedin Articles/LinkedinPulse?

Linkedin Pulse/Linkedin Articles is a blog platform wherein you can post writeups/notes on the Linkedin Network and share your ideas and thoughts with others. I will write a separate piece on how individuals and professionals can use it for their own career growth. This one is about how you can grow your business, or better your brand outreach through Linkedin Articles.  It gives you an excellent opportunity to reach a wider audience, engage with your loyal clients and to boost your goodwill. 1. Attractive headlines - Their is no substitute to this. Whatever you are writing, the topic or genre could be anything, the headline has to be catchy. It has to compel readers to go through your post. 2. Integrate your Linkedin Pulse strategy with S.E.O. - Many brands make the mistake of isolating SEO and Social Media strategies. S.E.O. can be really useful for Linkedin articles. It can help with keywords which the audience is looking for. This can give social marketeers bette

An easy way to step into investments in the share markets

Stock markets in India are buoyant these days with excellent valuations and increased foreign inflows. Add to that the increasing number of households who are chipping in with Mutual Funds through the SIP route, the total money going into the share markets is escalating month on month. This has made the markets are an interesting place to park funds with a little high risk but much better returns. Indeed if you compare returns with FDs and real estate, the traditional investment avenues, stock exchanges are giving much better returns than equity . But many people ask me this question. How to invest in share markets? It should be simple right? More often than not, it becomes a hassle with multiple people giving you different opinions and the necessity to rely on a broker over the phone or physical meetings. One of India’s best broking houses, Angel Broking has come up with an interesting Investment Engine for this. They call it, ARQ . It is a technology-based hyper

The story of willful fraud by Paytm to loot its customers with forged documents

This is in regards to a wilful fraud perpetrated upon me by the team at Paytm by closing my account without consent or information and by denying knowledge about my money and important transactions. __________________________________ Updated on 8th May 2017 Now I being forced to accept an amount from Paytm which is not based on any document or account statement. It has been randomly announced by Paytm that they will give this much money. Take it or leave it. The powers to be are on thr side. Vijay Shekhar Sharma who is aware of this fraud has blocked me so as to shrug responsibility and to encourage his men to defraud people. _____________________________________ The other day I received a call from Paytm, where the employee told me that many such accounts are being closed without information or consent and when I asked him about where is all that money going, he said I can raise an escalation about it. Kindly note that even though, after raising the issue, I have got P

The less cash society bogey

When the government of India's ill planned move of demonetization of higher currency notes back-fired,  the propaganda machine of the govt. came up with a fresh idea. A less cash society. Surely if there is no cash, people could be forced (read motivated) to opt for less-cash measures. What they forget to conveniently state that illiteracy is so high in India that many people still use thumb impressions instead of signatures. A large part of our country is still uncovered by the internet making cash the best option instead of digital transactions. It certainly surprises me that the government would spend tons of taxpayer money for such a phony campaign that it sounds ridiculous and repulsive at the same time. Consider this for example. Fuel pumps account for one of the largest cash transactions every day. If you use your card for payment, you would be penalized by these state-run pumps. You pay a debit card or a credit card surcharge but if you pay in cash, all is oka

Why Noel Tata is the best choice to be the next Tata Sons chairman

The bitter fight between Cyrus Mistry and Ratan Tata seems to be getting worse by the day. Mistry refuses to back down and massive egos are at stake. Held hostage in all this drama are millions of stakeholders; shareholders, vendors, employees, investors who don't have much idea about the cost of this ego battle. Even though various people line up to one camp or another in hopes of scoring brownie points there is no clear end to this fight. Charitable trusts as such should not have any business to poke into business worlds. On the other hand, you cannot just wish away a major shareholder in a billion dollar enterprise.  In this scenario, the best bet would be to make Noel Tata, currently chief of Trent Ltd, the fashion retail arm of the Tata Group to be next chairman. Half brother of Ratan Tata, Noel is as private as Mistry or Tata. He has done well at Trent, where he has done well and not used the Tata brand to boost his business. The stores which Trent runs are named West

Why demonetization turned out to be a dud excercise

The much talked about the decision by Prime Minister Modi to demonetize most of our currency will turn out to be dud as it has drastically failed on its key objective. The goal The major goal as announced to invalidate the 1000 and 500 currency was to weed out black money and corruption. A minor aim was to work ahead with the noble idea of the Prime Minister to push for a less cash/ cashless society.  A major failure However, the idea failed big time. You go to any bank in India today, ask people who are in the know of things and they will tell you the exact commission being charged by bank staff to convert your cash into a new currency. The commission ranges from 25-35% . If you had 50 lakhs under your mattress, you will still have most of it, before November ends and can shove it back under the mattress.  But this simple idea came later. First came the usual plain boring ideas. Put money in gold. Clear your past dues in old cash. Pay a commission to money launde

Is it time for redemption for Indian Banking System

Indian banking system is a sad story. We have one of the largest concentrations of government dominated banks around the world. India has also a rigid and strict regulatory system for banks. Such is the inscrutably of the regulators that they encourage cheap and bulk loans to large corporates but should such big people try to own banks, it is frowned upon. Customer service is an alien concept to Indian banks, public or private. Convenience to the public is least of their worries as the penetration of formal lending is quite less giving them a God like status. It is no wonder though that a parallel economy exists in India right under the nose of well-heeled bankers and regulators. They act as enablers to this system, fostering an economic activity that forms most of the financial transactions in the country. Indeed, India being a cash-oriented economy is largely due to indifference and lack sided attitude of banks. People prefer to keep cash at home than banks even though the gover

Is this the end of the Tata Empire?

Nearly four years ago when Cyrus Mistry became chairman of the Tata Sons Board, one of India's largest conglomerate, he inherited a huge mess left over by his predecessor. Nearly any company your pick from the Tata stable, mismanagement from the top is clearly written over them. Like a sarkari company, they all are moving along in a zombie kind of way, knowing that their name would survive them. Indeed, Ratan Tata started off his own stint at Tata started in the 70s with big duds like NELCO and Empress Mills that failed badly. In recent years, his Nano project was by and large a media hype and nothing else. You declare a car for 1 lakh, sell it for more than that, and then the cars keep burning on roads. They are not sold properly, they have quality issues. Again, the name kept him going. In another company, in another country, perhaps the chairman would have been asked questions. Here, things were coated in PR about affordable cars which no one wanted. Look at the Indian Ho

Is this end of an era?

If you look at the M & A activity in the past few months, it seems like an era of independent free internet is slowly coming to an end. Linked In was bought in by Microsoft, Yahoo an iconic brand of the nineties was sold out to Verizon and Monster another survivor of the dot com bust of nineties finally went to hammer. It seems as if the surviving spirit of these and many like them is waning. Look at how Uber, although now a major player but once a struggling start up, conceded defeat in China as players with deep pockets closed ranks to check it in. Indeed it seems as happens in a true capitalist world, the big boys with deep pockets and perpetual line of credit seems to be showing who the boss is, with curbs on smaller different players. Take the case of Go Javas, a logistics firm, which was supposed to be bought by Snapdeal but once talks failed, again supposedly Go Javas lost the e-commerce giant's account. So, where does future lie for upcoming tech firms? Most of

Why Raghuram Rajan does not deserve a second chance for RBI governorship

Media is all going wild these days with speculations and support for a second term for RBI Governor. But many groups in social media are mobilizing support for him for gains that are totally contrary to interests of our nation. Under his stewardship, banks have had their worst performances, primarily for his policies to encourage loans to corporates with strong political connections. Loans were disbursed by banks without proper compliance and procedure, leading to huge losses. It is such forces which now want him to continue. So as to keep encouraging such practices. For those who feel, he being out of government is a good sign, look at how bank licenses have been issued. RBI still doles out licenses on a whim and in a very miserly fashion. A modern outlook demands that licenses should be offered on tap but no, the Governor didn't encourage that. Look at the overall customer service in the banking industry. Its pathetic, largely because RBI does not encourage banks to

Greece Default

So Greece has finally taken the plunge. It went into default. Of course there is a referendum waiting to happen. So 5 days after it was supposed to pay its creditors, Greece will do a referendum. As if for past months, creditors and borrowers were just enjoying paid vacation hopping from one meeting to another. Really, if the Greeks wanted a referendum they should have done it and over with it by now. And therein lies the arrogance and brashness of new age borrowers. Playing the victim card and funding the media's craving for the underdog story. You can see it across the globe. The big businesses in the United States being bailed out by their government, the sovereign defaults. So many people and businesses willingly wanting to go bankrupt as to show creditors who the king in the transaction is. Greece is just a symbol. In India take a closer look at our state-owned power companies. Thousands of crores of debt is what they have raked in to supply power to their people. Bu

How the people and their representatives ruined the Indian banking system – 2

Indian banks today are examples of sloth and complacent customer services. They all have good nice businesses. They seldom care for the customer or the client. Private Banks too are not very far behind the government banks in mistreating or looking down upon their so called valuable clients. So how does that kind of psychology happen? Most importantly what’s the role of the people and government in this insensitivity of Banks? One reason of course could be the United Progressive Alliance’s policies. Led by Dr. Manmohan Singh, it favored loyal party cadres to the posts of bank directors. Like Anusuya Sharma (United Bank of India), Maj Mrs. Krishna Mohini (Punjab and Sind Bank) , Abdul Rashid (United Bank of India) , Praveen Davar (United Bank of India), Vinay Kumar Sorake (Syndicate Bank), KK Sharma (Punjab and Sind Bank), Umesh Kumar Sharma (Punjab and Sind Bank), Paban Singh Ghatowar (United Bank of India), Rani Satish (Union Bank of India), Omen Moyang Deori (Uco Bank), Har