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Showing posts with the label Scribbles

Some Information Related to Guest Blogging

Many of us don't know about guest blogging. So, what is guest blogging?   When one blogger posts his content to another blogger's site it is termed as guest post/guest blog. This method can be used to increase traffic on our sites. Mainly new bloggers use this technique of blogging so that their blogs get promoted and they can build-up the relationship with the audience and this technique also helps them increase the traffic on their site.  If you have started a new blog, your blog might have trouble in reaching up with a wide range of audience, even if you have strong content to post. So, you can publish that content to someone else’s blog whose blog is already reputed so that people can read out your content and if they like your post than bingo!!! You grab audience attention and this lead to increase the number of audiences on your site. But make sure that the concept is simple, and you are writing the content according to the blogger’s requirement. There are

Why you should pick a job for the right Work Culture

                                           The other day, I read these lines by Shuvam, about how work culture transforms into a company's true identity. It resonated with what I have been saying for a long time now. People pick up jobs for all the wrong reasons whereas they should first look at a company's culture. I recall a few months, someone came to me for a career related advise. The said person had a job offer in hand and wanted to switch. Now if you have been doing this for long, that is handing out advise on any matter whatsoever, you already know the drill. The guy will ramble a little about how its the end of the road at the current organization, then go on about the offer in hand, and subsequently lay down the fears. Mostly, its about validation. Most of the times, the person has already made up his/her mind. They will tell you about the benefits, the timings, the hike etc. But what I would prefer to know is about the company and its culture. The kind of

Friday Musings - Of Betrayals and Disappointments

Its been a while since I last blogged and readers have been inquiring as to whats happening. I last posted here in September, but their had been trouble in life since August. Things peaked up in October and are finally setting down.  This time has given me more space to introspect as to how easy it is for people to disappoint you. You sometimes don't even expect anything great out of them, and it turns out that they still manage to disappoint you. With their negativism, insecurities, they still manage to scratch your soul and try to harm your inner peace. I have long believed that its during time such as these you see the real faces of people around you. How many would be happy to be at your side and how many will jump ship, gives you a clarity of what is happening around you. I seldom expect from people. Humans have a predictable tendency to betray and be thankless for what they gain. I am a positive person who portrays an awful indifference to abuse or hurt.

Thursday Musings - Bitterness in our relationships

Its so easy to turn things sour in a relationship. In the society I see around me, trust deficit is rampant, communication, meaningful communication that is, almost scarce and ego larger than ever before.  No wonder than, it takes very little to ruin a friendship, a relationship or any association with a few words of bitterness. But I was thinking last evening, how stupid it sounds, if I see the larger picture. Consider P & R. Lovers from past few years. Live in together. Had a horrible fight the other day, compelling R to move out of the apartment. You and I will on surface, think of it as a routine lovers tiff or some misunderstanding or an ego clash. It turns out that P shouted at R and one thing led to another and hell broke lose. Happens all the time. Even would be happening in some corner of the World as I write this. What we never are able to see the larger picture. The larger picture contains the circumstances around which both individuals are evolving. The circum

Tuesday Musings - Random Scribbles

I have been staring at this blank screen for some time now, thinking what to write. Words usually come to me, quite easily but off late their has been a drought. I am yet stuck on what story to write next, even though I have several ideas stuck in some unknown part of my heart. My health has taken a big beating in 2018 and off late, I have really gotten weak and frail for unknown reasons. My vitals are healthy and my diet reflects how I am in pink of health.  Looks like I am going to miss both my books targets. Reading 100 books a year and writing at least 1. But the good part is, we still have a few months left in 2018 and lot of life in me, to achieve my targets.  The good part of being down, and I love this part, is to see the people around you, lifting you up, motivating you, cheering you up. Its as if the dark phases have an unusual glory to them. When you know, someone has been your side., you know they will be their when light comes in. Those who didn't give a damn

Saturday Musings - The Baggage of Past and Friendships of Present

I was talking to a colleague the other day, B, about how love and friendships are best done at school. Their is a certain level of pureness, a simplicity, a lack of awareness about the other person. You just click, with another person. I feel, its like a jigsaw puzzle thing. Two pieces just join and if they don't fit, easily separate away. Growing up, people start accumulating baggage. We start becoming more aware about the society, perceptions and most importantly the importance of having a stereotype of a friend. Like, someone who is good for my career, or someone to vent out, or someone to share liquor with. We start forming our friendships (its an over abused word, friendship if you ask me but that we will discuss another day) according to set parameters. Like its good to have a rich friend and not good to have a too poor friend. Sudama and Krishna do not happen in 2018.  Slowly as we grow and ease into our society, parameters keep piling up. Even in educated, wel

Sunday Musings - The Morning Coffee

                                            Coffee Musings   Musing about my morning coffee the other day, I realized, the right balance of flavors, companionship & conversations can make the simple coffee taste great. I mean we all know that, but still the thought struck me the other day as I had a delightful cup of coffee. I like morning coffee for its fuel like effect. My typical workday starts with a cup of coffee. I was discussing this with my cousin, some years ago who was on a trip to India. We were discussing our work over coffee and he remarked how he likes to have a cup of coffee before starting his work day. Ditto, I remarked. A cup of good coffee just sets the right mood. In my present workplace, we have this nice Coffee Machine, way better than the powder mix coffee machines so prevalent these days. It uses real coffee beans and milk, making the coffee actually taste like one. Unlike the premix ones. All those who have had it at some point of their

The point of taking and giving advice

I love giving advice. I have this theory that if someone can benefit from an experience I have had, then why not? Good information is always a positive aid. At least that is what I believe in. People love and hate me for that. Love for  the difference I have made. Hate for the overabundance of good advice.  I mean, everyone wants an advice. But how many are ready to accept it in totem? Everyone likes their own version of customized, made to order advice.  No one likes the straight as a tequila shot variety. They want you to add that syrup, that juice, that spirit and place the right umbrella or a lemon wedge on the top of the glass.  I however, give the straight, honest advice with the bitter truth as a garnish. Anyways, whats the point of taking advice if you are not even interested in following it? It's disrespectful to the other person's intelligence when we ask for an advice and conveniently dispose it off like a tissue paper at lunch.  I am not talking about

Is being called Sir really a terrific thing?

I am blessed truly, I believe because I am growing wiser as I grow old. Not many people reach there. One of the perks being an expert in multiple fields of communication is that I am called upon to conduct workshops or keynotes on topics ranging from blogging to what not. And they all call me sir. Not only who those attend or organize these workshops but generally too, so many people seek me out for advice and they are like Sir or Tushar Sir. And honestly speaking, I am always unsure about how to react to this. We in India grow up as Britishers taught us like for 100 years . Sir, Ma'am is ingrained in our psyche. Even though the Britishers themselves use the term as honorific title generally knighted upon someone. I have no doubt people do call me Sir with respect, but in our modern times is the prefix (or suffix) relevant? I worked in an MNC where everyone called each other by their first name.I moved on to an Indian Startup where we have a mixed bag of people half

Tuesday Musings - End of another year

I know I haven't been writing too often and 2017 was just a dull year on the writing front. I finished with Hey Honey Bunch last year this time, and haven't written anything exciting ever since.  The year is passing by and it's almost over.  It has been a good year as far as workshops which I have conducted, which have been quite well received and I have met many warm people in due course and I swear, when they write back to show their new blogs or any positive feedback, it softens my heart and touches my mind too. Now that I want to focus back on my writings, I might cut down on the workshops. Let's see where the path leads to. On the personal front, like I wrote above, met loads of new and awesome people this year, especially over workshops and due socializing. We introverts are a sad minority which no one wants to acknowledge or accept. It is like you are afflicted with a disease and everyone should feel sorry for it. Still, to go out and come across so

How people ruined the beautiful festival of Diwali

Its not about religion, it is about environment and life. Sitting in their diesel guzzling SUVs and Sedans, honking horns, relentlessly people type on social media and mobile about the pollution level on Diwali. They even show concern for dogs and cats while parking that huge car in a place where once there were trees. All that is acceptable to the hypocritical Indian, and it is only on Diwali, suddenly this wave of environment love is born. For the smoke and  noise of crackers has ruined one of the most beautiful festivals of our country. The citizens are oblivious to the fact that the smoke and the sting is a sharp reminder of the fact, that how much we take our environment and nature for granted. India has a remarkably great tolerance for environment degradation which is evident from a visit to any of our cities. You see mindless chopping of trees for that extra car, wall to wall roads for the traffic, sharp reduction in green areas so that our burgeoning populatio

Is the trend of Sarahah.Com worth the hype

For past few days, this app is going viral. Its called Sarahah a weird name if you ask me for a messaging app. Its key USP? You send messages anonymously. Like those chits of paper you passed in middle grade at school. No one knew who wrote them but you could guess already. As it happens with everything internet questions are being raised over the sanity of this thing. After all, if my friend or a well wisher cannot give me a constructive feedback on face, is that feedback really worth it? Also, their is this whole negativity being peddled in the name of feedback impacting minds and causing issues.  I registered on the App the other day and received just 6 messages. 2 were vile rants, 1 was a GOT spoiler and rest words from friends. I have sent umessages to other friends mostly whom I am close to and sent them a message just for the sake of it. If I need to give you a feedback, I can give it direct. But can I? I know so many people who ask me feedback all the time. Be it

Mother's Day Gift from IGP.Com

We spend a considerable time online and tend to get immersed in digital trends surrounding us. So when I saw everyone getting excited about Mother's Day, I too decided, why not send mom something on the occasion.  But gifting something to Mom is a tough decision for she has all that she needs. Right? Or not? A friend suggested IGP.Com a gifting portal which has a host of gifting options for various occasions. Launched in 2001, IGP is India's leading gifts website.Indian Gifts Portal ( ) specializes in flowers, cakes, chocolates, personalized products, festival merchandise, kids, home & living and fashion categories It also ships to multiple locations across the globe including the United States. I went through the website, unable to zero in on to the perfect gift and browsed through the various categories for an ideal gifting idea. They have multiple categories based on the usual format and also classifications based on occasions like birthdays

Happy Gifts Contest - Win voucher worth INR1000

Gifts make us happy. So when I got to think about a contest I wanted to run on my FB page, I chose happiness as the theme. How many of us pause in our lives and think of the love we received? We are so quick to narrate our sorrows but how many times we soak in the gratitude for love? So I request you all to share that pick of gift which overwhelmed you. Something that made a difference, something you loved and something which is your favorite. Post in as many entries you want for so many of our gifts are special to us.  Post A Pic On Fb.Com/Tusharmangl Like & Follow The Page A Photo About A Cherished Gift Use #Tusharmangl #Happygifts #IGP Pic With Max. Likes Gets ₹1000 Gift Voucher From IGP.Com Last Date - 31/05/2017 request you to kindly share this message with friends & family

Why you should go overboard with Hashtags on Instagram

Instagram today is becoming the medium of choice for marketers, bloggers, and social media enthusiasts. As the attention span of our viewers and readers is decreasing visual is the right choice to spread the message across. But how do you make sure that those amazing pics you clicked and shared are not lost amongst the sea of pics shared by the 700 million odd users of Instagram, Worldwide? The right answer apart from generating quality content lies in using the right Hashtags. I say right hashtags for just adding a hashtag in front of any word does not guarantee good traction. You have to be prudent in choosing the right hashtags. Number of hashtags Instagram restricts the use of hashtags to 30 per post. This gives it an edge over micro blogging site twitter, which restricts your post and limits the use of hashtags. Every expert you talk to will have a different opinion on how many hashtags you use but I say use as many as you can. Make sense And by as many, I do

Blogger's Contest on Mother's Day

Contest Alert!  Online gift shop Big Small has announced a contest for Mother's Day which falls on 14 May 2017. The contest ends on 10th May 2017. I think it is doable. Loads of time to write the blog. It is a cool, fun and easy to write contest. All a blogger needs to do is Write a blog post about which movie mother does your mom resemble? There is no word limit for the blog. Is she an out of the ordinary, career oriented mom like Mary Kom? Or just like Krish’s Mom in Two States, is she a Punjabi mom who hates your girlfriend, loves makeup and pampers you? Is she an authoritative single mother, the Man of the House like Dhaankor Baa from Ram Leela? Or is she a house wife who cooks delicious food like Shashi from English Vinglish. Is she a classy, sarcastic mom like Maya Sarabhai? Or is she the one who will let you marry an unconventional lover like Rani Kapoor from Dostana? Pen the story of your special relationship with your mom on your blog. Using hashtags #MyFilmy

Deep Cleaning Service by Broomberg

Recently, I suggested benefits of deep cleaning of the house done to family members who gave me a skeptical response we give when we are not aware of something. Then came the offer from Broomerberg, whether I would like to get my house deep cleaned and I said yes.  Booking I had a word with the team over the phone itself. Somehow I am not into those App booking things. Calling someone and discussing things before booking gives me better comfort and confidence. I liked the way these guys talked. I got a call to confirm address, then an SMS to confirm the booking and address. A day prior to the booking, someone from Broomberg called me to advise that the team will reach on time in the morning and that I should expect them to work for around eight hours straight. I confirmed the address and time again to apprise my family members of a crew coming to clean the house . Punctuality and Timing I must say, one has to commend the crew of Broomberg for their respect of time

“More Indian than you think” - Celebrating the Indianess in us

I have always believed that our Indianness is what makes us special. Being an Indian, makes us stand out from the crowd. We might not know this or sometimes act like this but we are and we act in a very Indian way,  As I write this, I recall several instances where I have encountered success by the virtue of being an Indian. I remember that when I wrote the story of Avenging Act and published it as a book, some people suggested that the characters look too raw and natural. The main male lead was acting way too good. It is almost like a true story and not a work of fiction. But then a reader from Australia who had bought an e-book from Amazon, wrote to me that she loved the characters of the book. She added that she had been to India and my story reminded her of her interactions with Indians and the love she received from them. It also invoked memories of Delhi for her. Another incident that comes to mind is when I was working baggage inquiries for an airline. A caller calls

Battling Depression

Journalist Pankti Mehta recently reached out for a story she was working on. It was about depression people face during college life. I shared my experience but then, can you ever explain or elaborate the whole thing? Here is the link to the article, do read it. History has recorded several great people who have faced severe depressions. The great storyteller, Sydney Sheldon is among one of them. He suffered from depression but he faced it and went on to become one of the greatest novelists of our times. One thing about depression I shared with Pankti and I will reiterate here as well. Stay loyal to hobbies no matter what. In the lowest points of your life, it is your hobbies that can save you. This is what you love to do. This is what gives you max happiness. I also would say for all those battling depression or anxiety issues, be open about it. This is not a stigma thing. Discuss it openly. I come across many people who do not speak about this. They feel it portrays a

C as in Customer Retention #AtoZChallenge

I talked about AtoZChallenge and Blogger in my previous posts and this one is as the letter series goes is for the letter C. C as in Customer retention. First, let me explain what do I mean as a customer here. A customer can be a client, a consumer of your services or your target audience.  Customer acquisition is not that hard these days especially with all those social media tools and easy to set up advertising.  What is difficult is retention. Especially with attention times which are only getting less by each passing day. How do you make sure that stickiness is maintained for your regular consumers when the competition has a red carpet rolled out for them.  Stay updated with your analytics. It is not just a fancy tool but something very meaningful to guide you as to where your audience is moving towards. Talk to your audience. They should feel that connect we have in a normal conversation. Follow industry trends. Whichever field you have chosen for yourself fo