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Showing posts with the label Subroto Writes

My Bengal Diary

My mother was in a terrible rush from the morning of 14th June, as the day finally came we are going to Bengal. After three years, we got a reason as my Didi got an internship in Rishra(an industrial area in Bengal). Moreover, my father was in Delhi for his professional meet. This was the time I have to take all the responsibility of Mumma and act like an adult boy! Hurry up, Babu! You are always too slow. This was usual, as my Mumma is still panic until the train arrives. After an emotional goodbye to Tango (my dog), we left our home at 3:30 p.m. which was 3 hours before the train's arrival time. The moment we reached the station, I started searching for a lonely and clean place where I can sit peacefully and watch out my Mumma too. After founding nothing unusual in social media, I soon lost in my thoughts wondering about life, world and till the human fantasies can go up to… I came out of my thoughts when I heard a female voice from the station's speak

Why you should use Instagram for social media marketing: The real reason

You might or should ask for suggestions from digital marketers about the most preferable option for social media marketing. Undoubtedly most of them will make their call for Instagram. Within just 8 years, Instagram has become one of the fastest billion-dollar company and is still growing at a very high speed, per day! But here’s an obvious question, ‘Why?’. Why Instagram marketing is so much of a hype?   A brief reply to this question is that Instagram has reduced the ‘urge’ of a common man who previously wondered most of the time about celebrities; what they eat, what they wear, and other questions related to their lifestyles. Let me make this clearer by considering a case-   You are a big fan of Dwayne Johnson, wondering whole day about him but unfortunately, unable to visualize him and his lifestyle except some movies and interviews. But all the things get fully changed after the birth of Instagram. You can now follow Dwayne, visualize him and even express your vie

Importance of Instagram Marketing

Do you still think, social media is all about making new friends and remaining in touch with your beloved ones? If ‘yes’, you really need to change the whole perception of social media platforms. As marketing has reached a great extent on social media platforms, the definition of internet marketing has truly changed. Social media marketing, if wisely used, is returning a true and great amount of profits to both small and big businesses, and the platform which is playing a major role in generating sales is Instagram. Among all the major social networking sites Instagram is like the center of attraction, from all around the world engagement of people on this platform is increasing rapidly. In fact, the market prediction signifies that Instagram will keep gaining popularity in the upcoming times also. The main reason behind attraction: Visual content. You might be wondering about an obvious question, “Why Instagram is surfaced with so much engagement?”. A simple que

Ultimate tips to Build a Stronger Linkedin Profile

Linkedin is the pure replica of interpersonal business connections. Your Linkedin profile reveals a lot about your digital status. You should use it wisely and you'll surely notice the fantastic changes in your business. The first and obvious step to implement these ultimate tips is ‘getting started’. You must take, all the practical steps to see an effective result.   Be realistic! Never copy the same cliché stuff from your resume. A Linkedin profile is enough to highlight your precious present and past. Be realistic, that's what people like and praise. Write your true experience, doesn’t matter it’s a small or big incident, but don’t forget to describe how the incident has or will impact your present or future. Add quality images which depict a healthy attitude, as they are easily digestible. These factors will surely help you to build more brand value. 3-5 reviews and testimonials can act as a cherry in the cake. However, the profile should shine more in

The ultimate and effective tips to kick start your business on Instagram

Talking about the time before October 2010, did you ever even thought to communicate anyone in this world, no matter whether it’s any celebrity, famous personality or any other common man? - That's’ what a true social media does.  Instagram is gaining popularity at a very high speed. People are loving it! The uniqueness of Instagram lies in the fact that it removes the communication gap between famous personalities and a common man. Everyone is following his favorites, role model and even favorite companies. This is the reason why Instagram, only in 8 years has reached over 1 billion active users. No doubt, these all factors directly affect Instagram marketing. From a marketing perspective, Instagram is also known as a money spinner. Already 70.7% of the world’s businesses are on Instagram, this includes all the online business, local businesses and even many MNCs’.  I am pretty much sure till now, you don’t have any reason left for ‘not promoting’ your business on

Assignment Feature from Learn Content Writing - Udemy

Frodo once said, “I wish it need not have happened in my time.” Time is such a wondrous and mysterious thing, shows the true value of us, but it becomes creepy when realized the guilt of not taking an essential decision in our past. Anyhow, most of us regret at least once in our lifetime- if I could do this, something better might could have happened or something similar to this. This is the worst yet almost invincible show of time which someone indulges in. Mine, five years younger self is just a 13 years old child; who has a similar mindset like any other normal child of this age group, wondering about comical characters, not worrying much about future. As an experienced boy, the only suggestion I would give to the younger me is ‘Dream big’! It will set the framework and will explore the limitations of practicality. It will be wrong if I say dreaming big is just a habit, moreover, it’s a matter of perception; thinking capacity, will power and perhaps more. It is the