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Showing posts with the label Tags

Akansha Tagged me.... Now its ur turn to do it.

Akansha Tagged me. But i had done a similar tag on fb which was passed on by blogger Asbah. Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you. If you didn't want to be tagged, you have my apologies. 1) I don't like talking much about me. Forget 25, not even two or five. 2) I am a very humble person by nature. 3) I detest egoism. I fail to understand why people label me as a egoist at times. 4) I have a religious bent of mind. I am Ram Naam Sadhak. 5) Can never see people in pain. 6) Love to drink coffee and tea. 7) Reading, listening music and watching movies are the only hobbies i enjoy 8) AM an intellectual person, and have little care for techno craze. 9) Am a very active person. Why do I feel the need for sleep, I wonder some times. Most of the times you ca

Zat- Tag

Copied fro m Richa's Bare Twaddle . Its been a while since i ever did a tag. 1. What does your user name mean? tushar. means the first dew drop of the morning. 2. Elaborate on your user photo. i keep changing it. This one was clicked near the bonfire lit during Lohri. 3. How many comments do you have? huh,,,, boring ques. 4. What's your current relationship status? Single 5. What exactly are you wearing right now? A peacock colored shirt and grey denim jeans. The last time i am wearing those pair of denims. 6. What is your current problem? Life 7. What do you love the most? my principals 8. What makes you most happy? seeing those i love, happy 9. Are you musically inclined? Yes 10. What would you do if you woke up one morning and found out you were on cocaine? I will try to figure out a way, to avoid any hang over, whilst enjoying the moments of being high. 11. If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be? lot of things. Lets not discuss the past. 12. If

Book Memories Meme

۩ सर्व शकितमते परमात्मने श्री रामाय नमः ۩ Recently I completed 21 years Of living on this earth.S0 after due research i got one tag related to it on sms book review s. 20 Years Ago: (age 1) I don't recall reading anything so young. 10 Years Ago: (age 11) Lot of fairy tale books.Short story books.Had fun reading them again and again. 5 Years Ago: (age 16) Loads of Agatha Christies,Sidney Sheldon and few Harry Potter books.Was a turning point in my reading life. 3 Years ago: (age 18) More Agatha Christies, Sheldon's, macleans,arthur Hailey's, Jeffery Archers etc etc.Have read a lot many author's books. Last Year: (age 20) Lot of unknown books.Lot of mills&Boons and other romantic stuff.This was a genre i had not touched much so another experiment. This Month: (age 24) An Agatha Christie book sent as a gift from a friend and Blink. 3 Favorite Reading Locations: My Bedroom,the front balcony of my house and the terrace 3 Reading habits: Reading With TV on A book mar


This is something that I've had to do under duress, so here it is :) The Books You’ve Been Planning To Read For Ages: That usually doesn't happen. But there's a book on Classical Renaissance Tradition that I'm dying to read. There's also another one about the Naxalite movement by this revolutionary called Ajitha The Books You’ve Been Hunting For Years Without Success: There was this one kiddy book called "The lucky coin". I didn't read it, but it was onee of those pop-up books that I saw at a bookstore. I've been looking for it ever since,but I've been unlucky. The Books Dealing with Something You’re Working on at the Moment: The Sea of Poppies by Amitav Ghosh deals with the Opium trade.It's very interesting and Historical Fiction really interests me. The other book that is very good is the Enchantress of Florence.It ties up history,literature,art and etymology,all in one book. The Books You Want To Own So They’ll Be Handy Just In C


۩ सर्व शकितमते परमात्मने श्री रामाय नमः۩ Again this one from Bookeywookey Questions to be answered with one word only - and no word can be used twice. 1. Where is your cell phone? table 2. Your significant other? None 3. Your hair? Thick 4. Your mother? Persistent 5. Your father? Great :D 6. Your favorite time of day? evening 7. Your dream last night? erased 8. Your favorite drink? Tea 9. Your dream goal? Business 10. The room you’re in? Bedroom 11. Your ex ? non-existent 12. Your fear ? Life 13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Office 14. What you are not? SHort-tempered 15. Your Favorite meal? Potato-chaat 16. One of your wish list items? Willys 17. The last thing you did? Blogged 18. Where you grew up? Ludhiana 19. What are you wearing? clothes 20. Your TV is? Sony 21. Your pets? wished 22. Your computer? Sleak 23. Your life? Difficult 24. Your mood? varied 25. Missing someone? always 26. Your car? Desired 27. Something you’re not wearing? footwea

The Readie Read tag

"If you've read this and you have a blog, you're it - don't shirk." I read t his line at the bottom of a post at bookey wookey and decided to go for it. Not because i will manage some very cool answers, because many blog members can cook out something great out of it. This weird name u saw on the title, was coined by your very own Mr. Mangal.Please don't try to kill me for that, i couldn't find any better name hehe. 1. Do you remember learning to read? How old were you? Good question.I don't know the answer.I went to school in the year 1991. Maybe around that time.Or perhaps later.Thanks for the question i will definitely ask mom dad tomorrow. 2. What do you find most challenging to read? Good ques again. Non-fiction.Especially autobiographies and religious text. Fiction can be read faster,uses minimum brain and is more comfy.It takes months to finish a non-fiction.Huhhhh!!!! 3. What are your library habits? We don't have any proper librarie

A not so silly and bookish meme

Found this on Bookeywookey. 1. Hardcover or paperback, and why? Both have their merits and demerits.I am a voracious reader.My heart has room for both.Hardcovers look nice in my large collection of books.Reading a hardcover book is a special experience in itself. Paperbacks on the other hand, are much cheaper, easy to carry around, and are very ideal for bedtime reading. SO i would prefer both. 2. If I were to own a book shop I would call it… hmmm I want to have my own large format retail chain.So the bookshop will named accordingly.Na, i am not revealing the details.But yes, the bookstore will have well read staff, and large number of unconventional books.Bestsellers and over hyped books will take a backseat for change. 3. My favorite quote from a book (mention the title) is… This one is a good question and a dammm easy one. The quote is right up here on the wall of my bedroom. It reads "I swear By my life And my love of it That i will never live for the sake of another m

Short Book Meme

26 th June,Thursday,12.30 am This one is from S MS book review s 1. Total number of Books I Own - Between 200-300. Last time i had counted it had reached somewhere 250 mark i think. 2. The Last Book I Bought - 1)Pride of place - Nicola Thorne 2) A slave to kiss - Anastasia Dubois 3)Crosswinds - Shirley S. Rohde 4) Kim - Rudyard Kipling 3. The Last Book I Read - Playing for keeps by Brooke Hastings 4. Five Books That Mean A lot To Me - 5??? Each and everyone in my collection means a lot to me.No partiality. 5. Tag 5 people - Shreya Aggarwal , Sanyukta , Sahefa , Susan ,sheetal . _________ Rest,anyone else who wishes to do this short and crisp tag,go ahead, we would love to hear your answers. _______ Jai Sri Ram !!!


"well i created this tag coz i ashamed of the pitiful number of Indian books i have read........i hope some of you are sailing in the same boat too........" Well if Miss hobbit was sailing, i am literally drowning .Check out #bold and italicize the ones you have read..... # italicize the ones you wish to read..... Feluda- Satyajit Ray Q & A- Vikas Swarup The Namesake- Jhumpa Lahiri The Inheritance of Loss- Kiran Desai Any book by Swami Vivekananda A Suitable Boy- Vikram Seth Two Lives- Vikram Seth Sacred Games- Vikram Chandra Almost an Ambassador- Rajit Dogra Maximum City - Suketu Mehta Five Point Someone- Chetan Bhagat Three Mistakes of my Life- Chetan Bhagat One Night at the Call Center- Chetan Bhagat Mowgli- Ruskin Bond The Zigzag Way-Anita Desai My Experiments with Truth- Mahatma Gandh i The God of Small Thing-Arundhati Roy How I Taught my Grandmother to Read and other stories-Sudha Murthy Malgudi Days-R.K. Narayan Ramayana-Rajagopalachari The Train to Pakistan-Khush

Top 100 Novels (according to someone)

Wednesday 25th June,4.02 Pm Got this from Bookeywookey .Its more interesting then the ones we did before.But its also very tedious.100 books My God!!! Anyways not a very bad idea to introspect our reading habits. I would Like to Humbly request the members who have a personal blog to do this tag in their personal domain...THis way they can enjoy this tag more,by sharing it with their good friends too.However don't forget to comment here,and inform us all, so that we can create links. For the rest, you can do this on this blog itself. * Bold the ones you’ve read, or are reading ... [Ted at bookeywookey had colored them yellow,we going to use this one . * Blue means I particularly enjoyed it, * Red means I did not enjoy it) * I talicize the ones you want to read * Leave blank the ones that you neither want to read nor don’t want to read * Strike the ones you have no desire to read * If you are reading this, tag, you’re it! 1. The DaVinci Code (Dan Brown) 2. Pride and Prejudice (Ja

Greatest Love Story Meme

Wednesday,25th June,2008,2.26 pm Borrowed From bookywookey . We have done a similar one before.But this one is worth a try too.I had created the previous one,so any anomalies there have been ironed out here. Legend: I’ve read it I want to read it I’ve seen the movie* I’m indifferent I have it on DVD I want to marry the leading man/lady! The list: 1 Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë , 1847 2 Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen , 1813 3 Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare , 1597 4 J ane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë, 1847 5 Gone with the Wind, Margaret Mitchell , 1936 6 The English Patient, Michael Ondaatje , 1992 7 Rebecca, Daphne du Maurier , 1938 8 Doctor Zhivago, Boris Pasternak , 1957 9 Lady Chatterley’s Lover, DH Lawrence , 1928 10 Far from The Madding Crowd , Thomas Hardy , 1874 11 My Fair Lady, Alan Jay Lerner , 1956 [By this name,there was a swing in appu ghar i think] 12 The African Queen, CS Forester , 1935 13 The Great Gatsby, F Scott Fitzgerald 1925 14

The Bookizie Tag

I had planned to do this tag a long time ago, but somehow it just got missed. After reading Tshhar's last post, I finally set my banana fingers to work.... My somewhat rusted memory informs me that I'd read some of these books very long ago. The titles are just vaguely familiar. And in some cases, like the Agatha Christie ones, I usually just read the pages at the beginning and the end. So that qualifies as scanning . NOT reading. One more thing. I dunno if I'm allowed to do this, but I've added one more rule to this tag. I apologize for the adulteration..... RULES: * Bold the titles you've read * Italicize the ones you want to read *Leave blank the ones that you aren't interested in. * Add any 5 titles of your choice in this list,before you pass on the tag. New Rule : Rate the books you have read from '*' (1) to '* * * * *' (5). Agatha Christie - Sad Cypress * * * * Ayn rand - The fountainhead Ayn rand - Atlas shrugged Anurag Mathur - The inscr

Book Quiz

This one has been borrowed from Sms Book reviews. Science Fiction, Fantasy or Horror? hmmm,I will go with fantasy.Although crime and mystery rock. Hardback or Trade Paperback or Mass Market Paperback? I am not aware of detailed differences between trade and mass market paperbacks.I like reading hardbacks, but paperbacks are cheaper and pocket friendly. Amazon or Brick and Mortar? No ideas sorry. Barnes & Noble or Borders? No Ideas again Hitchhiker or Discworld? Hitchhiker, I have done a lot of it.I cant stand loud musics in discs and i don't drink or smoke,so no work for me there. Bookmark or Dog ear? ears is such a bad and foolish idea,you spoiling the book man. Asimov’s Science Fiction or Fantasy & Science Fiction? English literature students help me please.i couldn't make anything of the question still i stay away from science fiction. Alphabetize by author, Alphabetize by title, or random? I Alphabetize by author, its more easy that way, to classify an

A to Z of me:)

10.00 pm 2nd june 2008 The A to Z of me…Ab is abc to bachpan main padi thi.Yaad kisse hai.pakkao tag lag rha,but i dont feel doing anything,feeling bit low,aaj dinner bi late kar lete hain.Agar sequence main nai hue abc to bolna mat kuch.Avril ke songs chal pade,lets start. For the dumb brains, i am going to write one word,each starting with abc in the alphabetical order,and one line main explain karunga,why i chose that word. A: Affection - ya, yehi word comes to mind first, for one of my fav alphabets.I am an affectionate person. B: Bright - i Like bright colors,The bright sun rules my Zodiac Sign. And people say I have a Bright Brain. C: Chocolate cakes and cookies [3 c hogaye hahaha] I love them. D: Dreamzzz - Stop dreaming them,start living them, thats my philosophy E: Enlightenment, the title for my second blog, my mission for life. Enlightenment. F: Food or foodie, i dont know how to put it. I am fond of eating. Insaan mehnat kis cheez ke liye karta hai??paapi pe

All i want is you { the Musiccc taggg]

Sunday,june 01,5.26 Pm Sunday means,loads of muzic and loads of relaxing.So thought of doing this tag.Kaafi time se soch rha tha,karunga,time nai mila. Put your iPod (or other source of music) on shuffle mode. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. You must write the name of the song no matter what. No cheating! I don't have a Ipod,me a poor fella,so i have lined about 200 hundred songs on my music player.Putting the whole drive on media player wil take hours.There are thousands of songs here.Hindi English Punjabi, rock,rap,oldies,bhangra,classics, sab ke sab variety laga di hai.Dekhte hain what happens. Simple, ain’t it? Here we go! “If someone says ‘Is this okay?’, you say?” Ajeeb daastan hai yeh,kahan shuru kahan khatam[Lata Mangeshkar] hehe,this is funny. “What would best describe your personality?” Phir milenge - [title song] yeh to majje ki baat hui,this album is my fav,awesome songs,and this one is great too.Mom dad ko special leke gaya the film de

The 18 questions tag

30th may,7.49 Pm.Friday Lest this blog ever suffers from inactivity, here is another tag,picked from a wordpress blog. 1) Pick out a scar you have, and explain how you got it… No scar as such, a pencil lead, next to my nose. 2) What does your phone look like? Great,simple and usefull. Its an old nokia,i don't even remember the model,but its said, it is waterproof.So rough tough and simple. 3) What is on the walls of your bedroom? Ram naam,ek Onkar,My sketch,a useless certificate,an article published in a newspaper,loads of printed and handwritten quotes,posters of cars,calendars,photographs,air conditioner,etc etc etc. 4) What is your current desktop picture? It changes every week, currently,kissi angrezzi model ki lagi hui 5) Do you believe in gay marriage? Unki marzi...who am i to say anything 6) What do you want more than anything right now? A companion 7) What time were you born? 10.10 am sharppp 8) Are your parents still together? Yeah. [Ghatiya sawaal nai tha kya?] 9)

The Bookizie Tag II

So I'm taking this tag from Tsshar. Rules: * Bold the ones you've read * Italicize the ones you want to read *leave blank the ones that you aren't interested in. * Add any 5 titles of your choice in this list,before you pass on the tag 1. Agatha Christie - Sad Cypress 2. Ayn rand - The fountainhead 3. Ayn rand - Atlas shrugged 4. Anurag Mathur - The inscrutable Americans 5. Arthur Hailey- Hotel 6. Alistair maclean - The guns of navarone 7. Anne frank- The diary of a young girl 8. Danielle Steel - Full circle 9. Enid Blyton - the famous five series 10. Jeffery Archer - Not a penny more and not a penny less 11. Jackie collins - Hollywood wives 12. James Hadley Chase - An ear to the ground 13. Ken follet - A place called freedom 14. Mario Puzo - the Godfather 15. Micheal Crichton - Airframe 16. Mills and boons - Any book or series- mention it 17. Paulo Coelho - The alchemist 18. Robert Ludlum - Trevayne 19. Sidney Sheldon - The sands of time 20. Suketu Mehta - The maximum cit

The bookizie Tag

Wednesday,may 28,2008,5.10 pm Ohk,am creating this tag,inspired by a post i read on jabberwocky,its just been mildly inspired. lets see the rules first * Bold the ones you've read * Italicize the ones you want to read *leave blank the ones that you aren't interested in. * Add any 5 titles of your choice in this list,before you pass on the tag Agatha Christie - Sad Cypress Ayn rand - The fountainhead Ayn rand - Atlas shrugged Anurag Mathur - The inscrutable Americans Arthur Hailey- Hotel Alistair maclean - The guns of navarone Anne frank- The diary of a young girl Danielle Steel - Full circle Enid Blyton - the famous five series Jeffery Archer - Not a penny more and not a penny less Jackie collins - Hollywood wives James Hadley Chase - An ear to the ground Ken follet - A place called freedom Mario Puzo - the Godfather Micheal Crichton - Airframe Mills and boons - Any book or series- mention it Paulo Coelho - The alchemist Robert Ludlum - Trevayne Sidney Sheldon - The sands of t

The Writing a para Tag

June.05.2005.4.20 Pm [Transplanted from m y personal blog My Musing s ] Now i am do obsessed with tags these days,that am now even creating some.Here is a sample. Rules 1. Pick up a book of approx 100 pages 2. Open the book to page 63,page 54 and page 21 3.Randomly,pick out any one sentence from each of these pages,and form a paragraph of 3 sentences, in sequential order,of pages written. 4. Tag as many people as you wish 5. Tell me was it fun or boring,for cautions i will experiment this tag myself. I have picked this book up. Spanish Disco,i last finished reading. "If i went to London and things weren't perfect,there was no send or delete button.There were three Christmases I remembered when my mother hadn't yet left,and my father hadn't yet broken down and everything was perfect.With that the brilliant Roland Riggs stood up,bowed to Lou,and walked down to the turquoise,smooth ocean." hehehe,I think, this makes sense,not bad.It was not that fun writing it but th

Listy tag

7.40 Pm Monday,June 02,2008 Found and stole another interesting tag, to see what people make out of my opinions about various topics. Read on. 1.One thing you are very much afraid of? nothing as particular 2.Two incidents you can never forget in your life? Getting chucked out of school cremation of my massi 3.Three books you would love reading again and again? I never read a book again, anyways 3 ultimate books i will name Maximum city by Suketu Mehta, Atlas shrugged by Ayn rand, curtain by agatha christie Again, i wont read these books ever again. 4.Four women who are most beautiful? agar 4 ka name le liya baaki crores jo fans hain meri, naraaz to answer ur ques 4 bollywood actresses,ke name le leta hun Sridevi,Late Divya Bharti,Late madhubala,Late Pravin babi. [all with a great charm] 5.Five of you favorite food items? hmmm,only 5??? 1. Aloo ki chat 2. Fish 3.Chicken 4 Ice creams 5 Chocolate cakes and cookies 6.Six words you use very often oral/written? hmmm