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Showing posts with the label Tan Speaks

How To Get Started With Vlogging In 2019: First Steps

Vlogging had taken the internet by storm when it started over a decade ago, and YouTube has changed entirely since. Yes! It has been more than ten years. Videoblogging or vlogging is not a new concept, and there are hundreds and thousands of vloggers on YouTube from all corners of the world. The competition is high, and the supply is increasing by the minute. However, we still see a lot of people taking up vlogging and launching themselves on YouTube every single day. In this article today, I am going to talk about how to get started with vlogging in 2019. I am going to mention the very first steps that one needs to take while preparing for vlogging. It is an exciting world from the outside, but then there are a few things to keep in mind too. Let’s talk about those, in this article today. But before beginning, a couple of nostalgic lines which are absolutely irrelevant to this post, but I feel they are emotionally essential and hence, you’ll have to bear with


Vedanta (Devanagari: वेदान्त, Vedānta) was originally a word used in Hindu philosophy as a synonym for that part of the Veda texts known also as the Upanishads. The name is a sandhied form of Veda-anta = "Veda-end" = "the appendix to the Vedas". Well, when I was browsing through the TV channels today, I was brought to a halt when one of the Spiritual Gurus were talking about Vedanta and in that 20 minutes of the program, he told a few things about the differences or rather the transformation of Vedas to Vedanta. The most important thing that I liked was the order of facts. In Vedas, he said, the faith is imposed on. As in, “You need to do that this way and this way alone” the tone in the four Vedas were more orthodox – where the Slokas or the chants instructs one to follow whatever is written/told and not to question. This is similar in other religions, like Christians and Islam, where questioning God or the faith is prohibited in some forms. This looks autocratic o

The Tiger

________________________________________ Tiger Tiger. burning bright, In the forests of the night; What immortal hand or eye. Could frame thy fearful symmetry? ________________________________________ These are the lines from the famous poem, The Tiger by William Blake. I heard these lines from my father when I was in my growing years. What a wonderful Poem! At times I feel the poet might have travelled to India and looked closely into the eyes of the Royal Bengal Tiger before penning down the immortal lines. The poem, no doubt will remain immortal; but will the subject be? If we do not care and do not take steps right now, the subject of the poem, the tiger will not remain with us for long. India is one of the countries of the world which has shown drastic and rather alarming fall in the population of tigers over the last few decades. The country started the last century with a count of over 40,000 tigers spread all over. Now, after a hundred years, as human population rose

Laal Selaam, Jyoti Babu

Jyoti Basu , veteran Communist Party of India (Marxist) Leader and the path finder of Communism in India has left for heavenly abode this morning. He was 95 years old. He was ailing for a long time and was fighting hard, until he lost his final fight to multiple organ failure and passed away today (Jan 17, 2010) at 11:47 AM in AMRI, Kolkata. I never met him; I remember going to mass addresses of other leaders and Prime Ministers of India when they used to go to Agartala, but I don’t remember of going in any of his gatherings. Having said so, Jyoti Babu has always had a lasting impact on the people of Tripura. Everyone in the state always looked forward to Jyoti Basu and his contribution towards development of Tripura. The state being only the third communist state in India, was very close to Jyoti Basu’s heart. Jyoti Babu, was the longest serving chief minister of West Bengal (and the country) and he served for a period of 23 long years, since 1977 till 2000 when he left all pub

As I left...

As I left She was standing by the tree Her big wet eyes staring at me She tried, but could tell not a word She looked up, praying to the lord And I left As I left The road cried as I stepped on it The clouds rumbled as I took the street The air whistled through the bamboo woods I walked past, as my mind broods And I left As I left The moon hid behind the cloud The lark screamed pretty aloud The drops of tears left her eyes As she looked up into the skies And I left As I left Something broke in me, deep inside As I leave alone my newlywed bride I wanted to too, but I did not cry But she did, as she bid me goodbye And I left for the border – as my motherland calls for me… A Tribute, to the Kargil War Heroes!!

Law on arresting a woman in India

An incident took place in Pune - a young girl was attacked by a man posing as a plain clothes officer; he asked her to come to the police station when she & her male friend did not have a driver's  license to show. He sent the boy off to get his license and asked the girl to accompany him to the police station. Instead he took her to an isolated area where the horrendous crime was committed. The law [which most of us are not aware of] clearly states that between 6 PM and 6 AM (from sunset until sunrise), a woman has the right to REFUSE to go to the Police Station/Jail, even if an arrest warrant has been issued against her. It is a procedural issue that a woman can be arrested between 6 PM and 6 AM, if and ONLY if she is arrested by a woman officer and taken to an ALL WOMEN Police Station/Jail. And if she is arrested by a male officer, it has to be proven that a woman officer was on duty at the time of arrest. Note: Read National Human Rights Commission Report for elaborate

The 15th Indian Parliament

सत्यमेव जयते (Satyameva Jayate): Truth Alone Triumphs! Let this be in deeds too. With the new government sworn in last evening, I am all excited and geared up to see the new India under the new authority. On the same day of my blog’s anniversary the new Indian government sworn in. The United Progressive Alliance (UPA) is all set to setup the second consecutive government. The elections are over. The exit polls are gone and the counting has ended. We have the results out. The UPA has won beating the other parties and Dr. Manmohan Singh is the new King of Indian politics. He is going to take charge for the second consecutive term and I am sure he will do best this time – well, alike billions of Indians, I have the same hope and dream. I wish him all the very best from one and all. May God bless him and may he succeed in whatever he does in the coming 5 years. Incidentally, he swore in on the same day 5 years ago! Along with the Prime Minister, a bunch of old and new faces entered the ca

Trail of Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab – A joke!

Who do you trial? Who does this? What is this all about? Is this playing with justice or is it just a mockery of the whole thing? Well, there are lots of questions and I find very less of answers to all these. Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab is the only survivor from the pack of Pakistani terrorists who attacked Mumbai on November 26, 2008 (better known as 26/11). He was captured while he was on a rampage killing scores of people and injuring hundreds, on that dreadful night in Mumbai. There was a lot of fuss in the last few months about him being a Pakistani or his age to be prosecuted in an adult court or with his captivity. Recently, the long awaited trial started and everyone is waiting to see what the court will decide on his fate. Ridiculous! What is there to decide? Hang him!! Simple… Well, I do not want to hang him without getting all the information from him and only after proving that the attackers were all from Pakistan and the whole incident was built up by the Pakistani Army, Go

The Indian Taliban

The nomads searched for source of water. So, they settled down near a river – a natural source of sweet water. People started taming the wild and growing crops tearing apart the torso of the Mother Earth. Then they invented fire, wheel, axes and knives and walking on the same streets, man invented the computer and sent satellites to their orbits. All these things have taken a long time. Man became civilized in the meanwhile. Civilization brought many more things into our lives which we never thought of while being nomads hunting only for food and living. Prostitution and religion being such things that came into existence once we had sufficient food in our stomach. And once we had enough to eat ourselves and help our families with it, people became greedy and took to crime! If you just read all these in one go, you would realize that the evolution has been like this. Religion has always been an engagement – a thing of attachment. I’m a prolific blogger myself. I’m saying so because I s

Republic Day Event!

Happy Republic Day people! Wishes and dreams that flow on such an occasion in India often comes along with blemishes to humanity, to democracy and to Indian Constitution. Do you think of it? Do you get concerned? I would like to attract you to the mishap that took place in Mangalore, Karnataka on the eve on Republic Day. A group of anti social activists from the Sri Ram Sena stormed into a pub and attacked the women guests in there. They abused, assaulted, battered and beat up those women who were (perhaps) enjoying the Republic Day eve. I saw the news in the channels just before the Republic Day parade started at the Rajpath, Delhi. That was the first news of the day. I was shocked to see these inhuman spineless moving object (called Sri Ram Sena activists, supposed to be men) executing the assault. This is what is happening in India on the eve of 60th Republic Day. I am not concerned about what the women were doing there. I am concerned with the fact that people who have named th


Is Mumbai forgotten? Those terror struck nights of November 2008, when the whole country was burning along with Mumbai following the attacks by roguish Pakistan have cut deep in my mind to just forget them this easily. What happened after that? What about the candles and mourning over the death of the brave soldiers? What about all the evidence we collected against Pakistan? Is this not enough to just throw a war against them? How long should India wait? How many times do we overlook these filthy people of Pakistan? At present, India has all the evidences that trigger to the fact that the attack was done after a well planned Pakistan venture. The terrorists were Pakistani, their trainers were Pakistani and the whole terrorist group spreading panic is Pakistani – its proven now – the Indian Government knows it, the United Nations Organization knows it, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA knows this fact. Then, why the hell are we Indians waiting? Why can’t we just declare war against these fa