Now the meaning of this tushaarmangalmuses and my musings what is muse??? muse1 v. (-sing) 1 (usu. foll. by on, upon) ponder, reflect. 2 say meditatively. [French] muse2 n. 1 (in Greek and Roman mythology) any of the nine goddesses who inspire poetry, music, etc. 2 (usu. prec. by the) poet's inspiration. [Greek Mousa] I use the first meaning of muse...actually Atalji is one person who i respect a lot ... once on a new year he left for a vacation to Goa after few days in news papers were published musings of him I was fascinated by this word ... i like to read papers and something by Atalji really attracted i digged its meaning without knowing that years later i will write a blog by this name ... Atalji you are great So the second meaning can also be used often in these blogs because after all we all need inspiration...Also i think a lot 24 hours sometimes so this word musings really suits me well.... so readers enjoy Quote Unquote "Hey you have written really awesome...
Shaping ideas, creating influence