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A not so silly and bookish meme

Found this on Bookeywookey.

1. Hardcover or paperback, and why?

Both have their merits and demerits.I am a voracious reader.My heart has room for both.Hardcovers look nice in my large collection of books.Reading a hardcover book is a special experience in itself.

Paperbacks on the other hand, are much cheaper, easy to carry around, and are very ideal for bedtime reading.

SO i would prefer both.

2. If I were to own a book shop I would call it… hmmm I want to have my own large format retail chain.So the bookshop will named accordingly.Na, i am not revealing the details.But yes, the bookstore will have well read staff, and large number of unconventional books.Bestsellers and over hyped books will take a backseat for change.

3. My favorite quote from a book (mention the title) is…

This one is a good question and a dammm easy one. The quote is right up here on the wall of my bedroom. It reads
"I swear By my life And my love of it That i will never live for the sake of another man Nor ask another man to live for mine "
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
The person who understands the true meaning of these lines and adopts them as his/her Life motto, their life is made.My 100% guarantee.

4. The author (alive or diseased) I would love to have lunch with would be ….

Can I have lunches instead of a single lunch? Anyways, Agatha Christie,Sidney Sheldon,Alistair Mac lean, Danielle Steel, Ken Follet, and Enid Blyton...etc etc.

5. If I was going to a deserted island and could only bring one book, except from the SAS survival guide, it would be… Geeta. I don't read it.Maybe if i take there,i will be forced to read it.And thats what i want.I want to read Geeta.

6. I would love someone to invent a bookish gadget that… That helps me to read faster and faster.God There must be crores of books published till date. And already i have wasted 20 years and 10 months. SO less time, So much to read. Sob*Sob

7. The smell of an old book reminds me of…. My childhood. My Teenage. All those memories of sneakingly reading books, when they were prohibited.And also my collection of books and my dreams associated with them.

8. If I could be the lead character in a book (mention the title), it would be….

Tough Ques, Easy Answer. The first name that crossed my mind was Howard Roark the lead character in the book The FountainHead. Thats the only one that crosses my mind.

9. The most overestimated book of all times is…. Five point someone by Chetan Bhagat.

And the Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling. I know the potter series are good, but the way its so over hyped and over talked about ,its sickening at time.

10. I hate it when a book…. is over hyped and too much hooplah is created for no particular reasons. And the books ultimately comes out as a mediocre product.Also, if the end is not proper.Generally i don't hate anything, so nothing to hate about especially in books.

All the people whose Names Start with the Alphabet "A" have to do this meme.
Rest can do if they wish to.
Jai Sri Ram !!!


arte said…
that was a good post!
so is it the authors u view or did u find it also from Bookeywookey?
Tshhar Mangal said…
No the views are all mine, just the questions had been copied from a tag at bookeywookey.
Keep visiting
happyz said…
Hie ... Many thoughts on your Tag...

"I swear By my life And ..." I think I understands the meaning of this but I belive its not possible .. usually Ayn Rand's books are one person centric .. discussing "I" and not "Us"/"We"

By the time you will be 60 years - you will hopefully read Geeta... ;)

I was bitten by the book reading bug a little late -- I only wish I get time to read what I missed out...

Tshhar Mangal said…
THank you for visiting The reader;s paradise.

I think its possible, if we focus our mind, and concentrate well.

And 60 years...OMG !!! itni late.
Bad :-(

Do attempt this tag

Thanks once again
Keep visiting!!!
Think Tank said…
oh yes howard roark for sure he is one hell of a guy ..n gr8 blog ..i thot readers were a seriously endangered species
Tshhar Mangal said…
Thank you
I also thought reader's were a endangered species

Hence the group blog :-)

DO attempt the tag

Thank you once again

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