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Wednesday, February 14, 2007 ,6:55 PM

Why should one write???
is there an benefit of penning down your thots...yes it is...
This is one of the best cures of several problems of mind...anxiety,stress,loneliness,,,even depression...Write whatever yu wish to write,,,poems,your says account,stories,name of the god yu belive in,name of your beloved,,,quotation,lines,,,lyricsWritng is one of the best ways to vent out our feelings...
ESPECIally in today's world...where one hardly finds a person to talk your heart,understanding and the biggest problem of all time is missing between many friends
SO THIS IS one the best ways to say something...your paper understands can trust it and moreover it has time for you...just write...

Mr. Adolf hitler in his autobiography mein kampf... has rightly said..."In order to produce more equality and uniformity in the defence of any doctrine,its fundamental principles must be committed to writing."
So whatever thots you have ... your ideas...however vague they may should write it down Also...when you write...write for your soul...for your inner self...never for money...ya money is important sometimes...but it shuld be secondary...also not evry writer writes for money...

if yu write blogs or diary or short poems...just for the sake of writng..its good...Often it happens that while yu write yur sub-concious mind takes over...and you don't even believe that you written the piece...some thots which ealrier werent coming out clearly come out on paper well...
And ya...many ppl dont write just because they think they dont have time for also proves that they dont have time for themselves to introspect about wat they feel...So if yu fall in this category...take care...

There are some who remind me that they arent that good only advice to this article will surely feel that your writng is better...LOL...On a serious dont have to write for ppl...write for yourself...your soul..yourself And you would automatically observe the quality of your writng...and dont worry much about spelling mistakes and grammer errors and stop cribbing about the use of language...mix as many languages u want...remember that perfect english is only for your school or university examzz..[sorry for the wrong spellings] If this is your diary or memoir yu are writing...write in any way you want to stop worrrying about yur tenses and adverbs and verbs and nouns and god knows wat else...Its good if yu remember your perfect english
if not dont make it an excuse for not writng...Another point...never ever compare your style of writng with others...what dickens wrote shakespeare could not and caesar couldn't have been written by dickens meaning that evryone has his or her own style.
Now time for one of the most important problem faced by many diary writers...SECRECY...and safety of thier works..they dont like others to read thier work and safety of thier books they always fear...especially from siblings or parents...All i can say is...if yu cant keep it under lock and key...hide it somewhere...or do anyhting to hide it but plzzz plzz plzz
dont let this stop u from me if yu cant hide it...or if yu have a regualr access to the net...have a private blog of your own...or on yur pc write documents...and hide them.

Thats it Ladies and gentlemen..
you maybe 9 or 19 or 90,,,age doesnt have anything to do with it...write yur thoughts so as one day you will laugh out and enjoy to read wat you had written years early,,,imagine you narrating out yur crush stories to yur grandchildren one day...LOL...or reminding them of your struggle to inspire them...The diary of anne one of the most famous classics today and a perfect example of exemplary diary writng...its a diary of young girl...victim of the second world war...

I would like to end this short [ boring i] discourse on writing by quoting the great man...WILLIAM WORDSWORTH
"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart..."
So what are you waitng for...pick up the pen...and start ... and a better idea is to start by commenting on this write

ankita tiwari said...
so right!very inspiring!
Tshhar Mangal said...
Thanxxx a lot Ankita...
Aashi Joshi said...
lolzzzzzz!!!!...hmm..point taken tush thnx ;) my pal ur awesum...awesum thot i luvd it totally.. rock on pal...quite nice 2 see this change in u i think its one thot i totally agre with n yes ur rite..evry1 is diffrnt.... all i can say is tht tush u keep gng lyk tht n u'll do v well...n no trust me it wasnt boring in fct a true thing frm which evry1 wud n cud 2 :D ....KUDOS PAL!!!!!!!
Tshhar Mangal said...
Hey thnx for yur inspiration aashi
...yu kno tht yur words matter
thanx once again pal
Manveer said...
like the quotes you mention.
Tshhar Mangal said...
thnx manveer


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