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Mutatis Mutandis

۩ सर्व शकितमते परमात्मने श्री रामाय नमः۩The Picture
*THats me With My Maternal Grandmom looking on
* The Picture was clicked by my Bhabhi
* The cloth that i have draped around,is a piece for a kurta, bhabhi got me as a gift.
I am seen here appreciating the gift.

Mutatis Mutandis.
* A blog By Kritika jetley
* Genre - Personal
* Created - March 2008
3 Reasons why u can/u should read this blog

* Very refreshing and soothing feel
* Great Depth of emotions even if humor is the aim of the post.
*A certain level of innocence is reflected.

3 improvements that could have been made/grey areas/

* After some time of navigating the blog, the background tires out the eyes.
* Use of pictures.
* Inconsistency of updating the blog.

3 posts, recommended

*Boycott the B- word
*An Unjustified Revenge
Do go through this blog.Its a delightful read.


..pAnKHuRi.. said…
i lykk d pikk...
tushki tera kya hoga..!?!!
modelinn kariyoo badey ho kar :D :P
Tushar Mangl said…
THanks Gauri
Pankhuri aunty
aur kitna bada karoge mujhe
21 ka to hogaya.......
..pAnKHuRi.. said…
abhi to longg way to go hai..!! d wayy..tu to aisey baat karta hai jaiseyy ki expire ho gaya hai tu medicines ki tarah..!!!!..gawaarr..!!!..abhi bhi bacha hi hai tu bilkull :D :P

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