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Adopt what is right.....

I see that many people of my age group adopt certain western cultures. School students and college goers are often seen buying friendship bands and valentine cards. I feel its not right. You may think I am traditional and don't keep up to date views. But if you think a little maturely you will find out its not modern to wear friendship bands. Its rather pure pride. Now as I am talking about western culture I should tell you that I'm not against it in fact I find some of the western values very much followable like dignity of work, civic sense, accountability etc.

We have to maturely decide what to adopt from the westerners and what not to adopt.

Why should we go after them when we have a culture of such great versatility?
-Priya Joyce


Si_Lee said…
I think you should read my article in this blog on culture..
No offence but personally Priya ... I feel the fact that one is concerned about what the other wishes to follow even though its not affecting you is the reason for many troubles in this world ...
Si_Lee said…
also priya .... I believe you should, in fact everyone should uphold their own views no matter what the world things, for if i am civilised and wise I will know to give respect to you and what you think... though I may not agree to it ,because i dont feel its mandatory, nevertheless the respect for an individual will not be compromised
Solitary.sailor said…
i think priya you only have given the answer of your question.....people adopted western culture yes because of pride and fame attached with being labeled as western culture follower.....
but yes it depends on person to person and one should respect the individual personal choice and wants.One just cant force a person to indulge in what he or she thinks right.....
Priya Joyce said…
@ DTS:

I just put it there because I think its mere superficiality and nothing else. after all I hav praised gud things out there.
And 1 thing hav u seen them running behind our culture as we do/
Priya Joyce said…
@ solitary s

I really don't think I hav forced ppl to do so I just put in there wat I feel and morover why don't we take up the good things out there like the ones i mentioned and not superficial things which sum businessmen hav brot out just to make money.
Si_Lee said…
@ priya ..
I never said you are wrong dear .. Infact i will defend Indian culture anytime on a weekday and twice on a weekend..
and continue puting them up...
as far as superficiality goes .. yes you are right there as well .. just that I personally dont care what a fellow being is doing as long as he is not doing something that will harm the place and people i live in and with ...
btw ... welcome here :)
Sushant said…
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Sushant said…
I think at this point of time in history.. as the world matures- western, eastern, oriental, indian cultures et al, dont really matter.

Personally speaking i wouldn't care if an indian is following a western culture or a westerner is following oriental culture as long as the person shows to be following a humane culture. As long as u give humans and humanity the respect due i'm fine with it.

After all what culture to follow is that particular individual and/or group's choice and we have no right to comment or pass judgment on their personal choices as we wouldn't like others to pass judgment on ours.
Priya Joyce said…
@ sushant :

then wat abt the better things I mentioned out there.
I mean ppl ignore better things of that culture and go after syle and pride.
Why don't they show civic sense and respect eve the sweepers
that is wat my whole post is abt.
Tushar Mangl said…
I agree with Priya to a certain extent.
Western culture should be adopted but only the best and the positive parts of it.
On the other hand, the effect of our own culture should not dimminish upon us.
Priya Joyce said…
@ tsshar:

yupp tats wat I mean u got my point.
Si_Lee said…
@tshhar and priya ..
Theres nthing wrong in what u believe ... Nobody contests these points .. the only thing being said by me and also sushant here is that .. we shud not try to impose it on others even though we think its right ... and what they do is wrong .. see ... your culture is finallly yours ..Indian culture is ours but filtered down it is mine .. so there u see .. i should be free to follow what i want to follow and for the reasons because of which i wanna follow them ... as long as,the way sushant put it,it is a humane culture
Si_Lee said…
And yes they shud respect the sweepers if they dont they are not humane .. u see our culture did nott teach us to look down upon ppl of various caste.. hell caste itself was not a hereditary trait rather a classification based on the work of an individual..
thts a diff thing .. thts degradation of one culture ..
Priya Joyce said…
ye siddharth:
I am not really imposing my thots on others just said wat I feel
I really think ppl of my age grp are really getting superficial and nothing else.

no offenses meant frnd
Si_Lee said…
@ priya
he he none taken
but you know to be honest your views were a bit refreshing ... :)
Priya Joyce said…
@ siddharth:

wow tats gud
Solitary.sailor said…
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Sushant said…
@Priya, 1stly my comment was not to refute ur point but only my views on the cultures people adopt.

2ndly "buying friendship bands and valentine cards" started of as gimmicks by the corporations to sell their products. Some buy in the true sense of celebrating friendship and love, while some unfortunate people do to make themselves feel good, while others do becoz they want to show off and jump onto the bandwagon of wearing friendship bands and buying valentine's day cards.

Its a normal feeling for a human to try to be like the people he/she meets and do things that they do. Only a few are mature enough to look beyond and see the real picture.

Also the caste system is something which has been ingrained into Indians for centuries.. and India is the only country and Hinduism (predominant in India) the only religion which follows this system. So it is not surprising for a modern Indian to look down upon a sweeper. It'll be yet another few generations before Indians can understand the equality of "humaness" and that no work is bad.

As for being superficial goes.. today 99% of the adults are superficial so its not surprising that teenagers and people in early adulthood are superficial too.. heck, younger people will be 10times more superficial than adults.

anyways, what i really meant by humane culture was show off all u want but consider every human as an individual, give him/her the rights of humanity and opportunity they deserve and be considerate towards humans.. so in away ur point of civic sense and respectful is absolutely valid, but humans are going to be humans, and indians are not as mature as the rest of the world, but don't lose hope becoz with every generation that passes from now will have more mature people who'll see humanity as it should be seen.
Priya Joyce said…
@ sushant:

thanx for such a big jot down>

It was an honest effort frm my side so as to make ppl notice the superficiality around tats all.
Kartz said…
Right or wrong... They are relative terms. Of course, there is the freedom of speech and expression! ;)
Priya Joyce said…
yupp I used my freedom of expression.
And not uselessly but with a purpose tats all

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