Three Blogs, with one theme in common...Books
1) A striped Armchair -
*This Blog by eva is overflowing with voluminous amount of information about books and reading.
*Also you can find information and knowledge about various Reading challenges going on at the moment or had happened in the past.
* The Blog roll is another plus point.Browse as many book blogs, as you can whenever you have spare time.
2) Book Trout -
* This One is A blog for a bookstore named Old Saratoga Books near New York
* This blog owned and authored By Rachel
* Nice Source of knowledge .
3) Back to Books
* A blog by a Voracious Reader Nicola From Canada
* Extensive knowledge on books and reading challenges.
* But seems to be well managed and easy to browse
Do comment in your views Regarding these blogs
Jai Shri Ram !!!