Disclaimer: Originally posted at Bare Twaddle _____________________________________________________________________________________ On an Industrial visit with my class (I am the lecturer, though most of my student s are elder than myself, they all have had work experience before joining in for MBA) got a chance to visit the sub-urbs of the city. The scroching sun in the rainless monsoons was making us all look for drinking water with each passing 10 minutes. The Merchandise Shop located in the locality was making money, selling "mineral water bottles" n "Colas" to the thirsty crows on the Industrial visit. As I emptied the tumbler carrying with myself, I heard some disturbances among the students.. I cornered to interrupt and ask what the matter was. Shipra seemed annoyed with the rest on being teased as "Ms. Super Hygenic" for she were asking them not to buy the "so called bottled water" for it not being actually the " Bagpiper "...
Shaping ideas, creating influence