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A Special Provision

The following is specially to inform everybody about a law that entitles you to declare your unwillingness to support any candidate during the polls, if according to you there's no candidate who deserves to represent your constituency.

Did you know that there is a system in our constitution, as per the 1969 act, in section "49-O" that a person can go to the polling booth, confirm his identity, get his finger marked and convey the presiding election officer that he doesn't want to vote for anyone!

Yes such a feature is available, but obviously these seemingly notorious leaders have never disclosed it.

This is called "49-O". Why should you go and say "I VOTE NOBODY"... because, in a ward, if a candidate wins, say by 123 votes, and that particular ward has received "49-O" votes more than 123, then that polling will be cancelled and will have to be re-polled. Not only that, but thecandidature of the contestants will be removed and they cannot contest the re-polling, since people had already expressed their decision on them.

This would bring fear into parties and hence look for genuine candidates for their parties for election. This would change the way,of our whole political system... it is seemingly surprising why the election commission has not revealed such a feature to the public....Please spread this news to as many as you know... Seems to be a wonderful weapon against corrupt parties in India... show your power,expressing your desire not to vote for anybody, is even more powerful than voting... so don't miss your chance.

So either vote, or vote not to vote (vote 49-O) and pass this info on...

"Please forward this "LAW" to as many as possible, so that we, the people of India, can really use this power to elect the right representatives.


Si_Lee said…
@ akanksha ..
now i have a reason to get the voter card .. was not aware of it and I don't think many of my pals are either ... that's a real nice piece of info...
Akansha Agrawal said…
@descrying the shadows
Thank you, hopefully the word will spread...
Arshad said…
Thank you you know sir i like this blog very much because my english is not very good but the language of this blog is very simple in comparision of others so please continue to write in simple language. sir i have a question as in this article about 49-0 vote is told. but i am not understanding that if the no. of vote are than in comparision of what???? and than which condidate will not be allowed to contest again? will all not be allowed. because if we do not cast vote in favour of anyone than which candidate will be in denger.????
Arsh barkati said…
Thank you you know sir i like this blog very much because my english is not very good but the language of this blog is very simple in comparision of others so please continue to write in simple language. sir i have a question as in this article about 49-0 vote is told. but i am not understanding that if the no. of vote are than in comparision of what???? and than which condidate will not be allowed to contest again? will all not be allowed. because if we do not cast vote in favour of anyone than which candidate will be in denger.?????
Akansha Agrawal said…
Ok, here's the simplified thing,
There are two candidates(suppose only two) and one wins by 123 votes i.e. 123 people prefer one candidtae over the other, but there are people who supposrt neither of the two candidates, and to declare this they give 49-O votes, and if the number of people giving 49-O votes is greater than 123 that is, more number of people don't want any of them, then polling is cancelled, both of the candidates are removed coz both of them have been rejected, and repolling is done with new candidates, and that is why it is important to vote even if it is in favour of nobody.
Unknown said…
hi there,

the post was an informative one..thanks

this 49 thing does crop up in the news now and then esp when electoral fatigue/apathy is evident among the masses....

but i dont really agree with u that this provision will bring out the best in our political parties and that they will field good candidates once the bad ones have been rejected...bcos

i.chances of ppl going for this special provision is low...ask urself how many times u and the exchequer have to go thru the trouble of holding elections

ii. the so called new ones will be corrupt in all probability bcos that what our political parties have on offer for us...
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