The other day, my younger cousin called me up. I learnt she has an ascending interest in cooking. She told me "Di, I've tried Pasta, come over to taste, I think its good." I being a foodie, on learning abt Pasta, (yuuuuuuummmmmmmm) n having a special corner for Italian, juz wanted to fly and reach there and gulp the pasta n feel it melting inside my mouth... I kindda ran to her place (read: drove my mini truck- they call Indica the mini truck ;) ), dumping my (window) shopping in between. ;D And she termed tht debacle "Pasta".... Disappointment, discontentment, disgruntlement!!!!! Macaroni cooked in d.e.s.i. Chinese style, with a load of Soya Sauce.... Taste me to theek hi tha.. But when one is expecting Italian, and gets served with Chinese, toh ruing is toh apparent.. The base macaroni undoubtedly is Italian, but if we cook it the way we like it, we cant call it Italian dish. I have another frnd, who like me, is vy fond of Italian food, and cooks it we...
Shaping ideas, creating influence