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Is Mumbai forgotten? Those terror struck nights of November 2008, when the whole country was burning along with Mumbai following the attacks by roguish Pakistan have cut deep in my mind to just forget them this easily. What happened after that? What about the candles and mourning over the death of the brave soldiers? What about all the evidence we collected against Pakistan? Is this not enough to just throw a war against them? How long should India wait? How many times do we overlook these filthy people of Pakistan?

At present, India has all the evidences that trigger to the fact that the attack was done after a well planned Pakistan venture. The terrorists were Pakistani, their trainers were Pakistani and the whole terrorist group spreading panic is Pakistani – its proven now – the Indian Government knows it, the United Nations Organization knows it, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA knows this fact. Then, why the hell are we Indians waiting? Why can’t we just declare war against these fanatics?

The Government is going by the book, it seems. They gathered all the information from Kasab (the Pakistani terrorists captured in Mumbai) and forwarded the same evidences to the Pakistani Government to take action! What a joke! I am unsure if I should call this an immature shaggy dog story or height of optimism. How can we expect those same people who sent these criminals to perform this mayhem in Mumbai to dramatically (and catastrophically) change overnight and take measures to hinder terrorist activities in Pakistan and stop terrorism? Typically, the Pakistani Government did not take any step and even did not acknowledge the receipt of the evidence sent by the Foreign Minister, Mr. Pranab Mukherjee. Instead, they have reinforced their troops along the western and north western border of India; as if they are preparing for a war. Yes they are! On the other thoughts, they are not preparing – they are just continuing with what they were doing since their inception – creating panic in India.

Pakistan is at the top of the ladder in creating bloodshed. They are spreading all over the world now. They have been doing such inhuman brutal acts for a long time now and have not shown any signs of retreating or refraining from too. It is time to end their cruelty and cut the throat of terrorism in the world. What a disgraceful country! What a dishonorable government! What shameful acts! The government shouts at the peak of its voice and tells that the events in Mumbai were carried out by Indian Government ourselves – what dishonor mate! We kill our own people and our foreign guests, destroying our heritage buildings and messing up with the entire peace balance of the country and the present and future tourism prospects just to bring bad name to these unworthy Pakistanis? Shut up!

The Indian Government was to play a big role here; but somehow I feel it is taking the easy way out. I hope they just do not keep blaming the Pakistanis and keep quiet. I know the Pakistanis are at fault – we all know this. There is nothing to prove Mr. Prime Minister et al. We do not
want you to prove anything in front of us – not any more. I am sure the citizens want action now and want to see Pakistan eradicated from the map of the world. They don’t stand against us – not then, not now, not ever! Their forces may be treacherous, but are not powerful. Their government may be cunning, but not impressive. Their people may be like us, but they are terrorists!!!!! It is time we take our steps forward. It is time we just stop blaming a crazy dog for biting us and kill it; for this is the ultimate destination of it. It’s already one and a half moths past the incidence in Mumbai and India is still communicating, evaluating and negotiating with Pakistan. There is no point in all these – not any more. It is high time we take resort to violence and belligerence – giving them the same thing they want – this is the language they understand. Why should we talk to them in humane languages, then? No point in discussing anything anymore. I am waiting, along with the whole nation and may be the world too, to see steps being taken against Pakistan. Hope this happens in near future. Amen!

Cross posted at: Thus Spake Tan! For a few more similar posts, Please Click Here!


Who do you think should be blamed for the successful terror attack on Mumbai:

A. The Indian govt for its callous attitude
B. Zardari and co.

I would be inclined to blame the Indian govt. My security should not be in the hands of the Pakistanis. It should be guaranteed by the Indian govt.

Now it is another matter if we are so weak and helpless that we cannot do anything for ourselves. But I dont think we are weak and helpless.

Today the terrorists successfully stuck Mumbai. That will only embolden them. If we had foiled the attack they would have been scared to attack us again. We must secure ourselves against terrorists by improving our defences. Not by asking Zardari and co for help. It is a known fact that they will not help. Even God helps those who help themselves.
Si_Lee said…
duuuudeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

I appreciate the sentiment but you also need to do a reality check ... India cannot win a war today against pakistan ... it will not be kargil it will be a full fledged war .. why i say this is because it is a fact that goes unnoticed .. search for recent and little old articles on status of indian subs indian aircrafts etc ..

secondly ... Pakistan is largely an army contolled democracy and an army which is fanatical in nature .. don,t brand the ppl as terrorists ... yousimply cannot .. I am a KP and there can be very few who understand better or have felt more than me the impact of pak sponsored terrorism ... so plz don,t generalise
3) why has 26/11 been so sensationalised ?? what happened ??? is all the hue and cry because it is Mumbai ?? or because of the number of people killed ? How many blasts took plce in last year and then last decade ??? the point I am making s Indians are.. and i have stated this before.. ephemerally instigated fools...

4) Ours is a country infract the only country where democracy is driven by the interests of minority and not the majority .. No, i am not communal , i despise communalism but i also know in detail ow cong. has often used this to bias its actions and politics .. lt. col. purohit is news every other day .. what about simi and other outfits and blasts carried out by them ??? why isnt it pursued with same intent ..? I dont blame the minority for this .. but it is the greed for their vote that leads to this ..

lastly friend ... to each his own unfortunately is our motto .. it may not be yours... it may not be mine .. but it is ours ... how many are aware of problems other citizens of this country face frget aware hw many are even concerned or bothered??? dont quote tsunami as an example of solidarity it is an example of humanity not our unity .. don't quote cricket.. a sport cannot be the binding factor as a binding factor for a nation cannot be something so cursory it has to be the values of the people ..

we are not a country with a govt. that can act like isarel russia.. call their acts inhuman if u may ..
we are tht country whose govt. is made a mockery off, whose ppl are killed indiscriminately by those sponsored by a state we have defeated 4 times in wars
i rest my case ..
Akansha Agrawal said…
Well I pick up mine from where you left off, because I am going to answer each one of your arguments.

1.)I don't know what the present status of artillery in India is, but if it is as bad as being pointed out, well, it's high time we got better stuff. And by the way, isn't India supposed to be having the second best army in the world, I wonder how that got declared then!

2.) Wherever you and I go outside the country, we represent our country... for good or for bad. Tan, I am sure is not branding the common people as terrorists, but it is a fact that the terrorists are Pakistanis.Period. And the price of their acts would have to be paid by the common Pakistani if their govt. cannot act to end it internally all by itself. Pakistan's failure is glaringly visible in this case and its impact on India is more than we can take now...

3.)The anger of Indians is not short lived, the endurance levels are finally crossed for a majority of Indians now and this, esp among the youth is now visible. Forget sensationalisation by news channels, it's a regular thing now. It's not just about Mumbai, not even about the elite class, it is simply about India and Indians... the India and the Indians who suffer every moment of their life! And as a KP you have seen and felt the terror, so don't you think someone else like you should not be forced to endure this plight?

4.)This is one point where I totally agree with you. All blasts have to be investigated with equal perseverance but isn't it also a fact that Simi has proven connections with the Pakistani organisations... look for the roots, cutting only the branches won't really help, coz they grow again!

Well, because we have this kinda govt is exactly the reason why we have to do something about it, and it is this doing something that is being called for, over here...

I rest my case too... and I know the war has support from lots and lots of people... we're sick, we're tired, we're frustrated but we're determined!
Si_Lee said…
@ akanksha ..
India might have the second largest army in the world .. it is not the second best ... its a known fact.

2) hmmm .... interesting .. so u do judge a ppl by their appellation and not actions ... ?? is it ?? and it is not pak govt tht has failed .. it is the indian govt. why do u ask for the world to help ?? y dont u do what Israel and Russia have done ...??

3) I appreciate your sentiment and i am one person who does whatever he can to fuel it more and more .. We are a breed of people who fought a common enemy for 200 years and then became mortal enemies within a day on the very night we won the battle from that enemy .. Indian or pakistani not very different you see ... the endurance you talk off is an attribute of Hinduism and do not tell me Islam and Christianity preach non violence...

As a KP i have seen the true face of this country's top brass legislature ... you see the youth you quote here is not the majority .. maybe after 50 odd years it will be and yes then i will not put forth this argument .. MNS forgot what india was .. what happened to those who agreed with it ... ??? the notion gained momentum because of the people .. and then came the blasts and they are quiet .. but mock my words .. they will resurface soon ... anyway i cud go on and on...
Akansha Agrawal said…
@descrying the shadows
I am horribly confused, are you for the war or against it? Or are you against it because you think we cannot win, or are you against because you feel it is of no use????
Si_Lee said…
I want India to do what israel did in gaza .. but I also am aware that it cannot win a war against pakistan as of today atleast not without having to fight very hard .. 1.2 : 1 was pentagons last assessment .. in 1971 it was somewhere around 1.75 to.5
added to tht is the frustration that the common India is not aware of these basic facts .. people are living in a hallucination ... and the intent behind all my views is to make us question probe and realise where we really are .. its easy to say what has to be done .. it needs to be known what can be done ...
As i said before .. i appreciate it .. but have a closer look ...
Tan said…
@ L. Venkata Subramaniam

Rightly said mate ... we cannot depend upon our terrorist neighbours for our own security. The Govt. needs to take action now ... its time - its high time!!
Tan said…
@ siddharth.k kaul (descrying the shadows)

1. I agree on that - India's defence is way too old now - needs upgradation; but I do believe that India can blow Pakistan in minutes if it ensures doing so ...

2. Its not Pakistani people/citizen/mass when I say 'Pakistani' - I mean the terrorist group and all those who are providing them - all those, including the Govt and citizens ...

Read comments of Karmasura in Thus Spake Tan! on this post. You will learn more about it.

3. Its not because it is Mumbai. It is because the water has reached heights now. And this time it was the Commerce Capital of India. It was the age old heritage building that iconize India many a times.

4. I understand your point - but do you think that there are certain internal issues that we need to look into before taking on the terrorists? IF you do, you are right; however, this thought here is a bit wayward, I feel ...

Now, after this happening in Mangalore, I support your point here. All are related and very much required.

5. It surely tells how you are also concerned over the various other issues in the state right now. True. But we need to start somewhere. We have been over looking things that are occurring regularly these days ... yes, we need to look into all those, for all are related. Let this be a start here and we move on, as we start clearing off the rest!!
Tan said…
@ Akansha Agrawal

I agree with the arguments you provided in response to Siddharth's ... Check out my comments above ... I dont have much different views!!

FYI ... India DEFINITELY does not have the 2nd best defence ... I can assure you of that
Tan said…
Mates, What is KP by the way? What does this mean?

Please ignore my ignorance ... and enlighten me ... dont know about this ...
Si_Lee said…
@ tan ...
No India cannot blow pakistan so easily as of today .. though its time it started considering that option seriously ..
mumbai for me is NOT the threshold ... for me it was 13 dec 2001... that day in history for me is the greatest insult and injury to the indian democracy ...

KP - Kashmiri Pandit

look .. the point is as i said i appreciate ur sentiment as in i am supporting the action you want to be taken .. but i am also making you aware of certain ground realities that make these required steps not feasible ...

He he .. i think we should make peace here ... cause we are not arguing anymore :)
Tan said…
Hey Siddharth,
Thanks for the explaination ... I really appreciate you putting in different approach and thought to this situation ... unless we have difference in opinions, we do not have opinions at all ... right?

Keep writing, and keep commenting :)

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