An eternal bond teenage is marked with rapid changes mental and emotional, it is a time when one just begins to realize how big the world is and how much there is to do this in itself makes up exited all pumped up with adrenaline and prove our worth but at times instills a dreaded fear of ending up not as how we want.... not only that but teenage is also a time when we redifine our relationships....some take a backseat where as new ones sprout out lending us wings for the new flights to come. And in times of self importance we often forget a presence that is attached to our very soul, an anchor that keeps us well stable no matter how hard the tides trash on, and it is this presence that we take no long to disregard A mother and daughter bond is one of the the nurturening essence is passed from one to another..A mother acts like a friend supporting us during all pre adult blues, a guide when we don’t know how to go ahead, and a teacher when we struggle with our first w...
Shaping ideas, creating influence