The most easiest part is to get in to these kinds of relationships but must difficult part is to deal with the consequences of such relationships, People once heart broken,becomes too hard,cold,,there perspective changes and be cum numb. And when this situation arises the situation of depression takes his seat..which is dangerous.
If we see are environment,every then and now are friend's comes up with the prob that ,we broke off,,and we are upset ,that person did this and all..and we give them a simple advice of move onn,,and we flash sum beautiful dialogues and finally we are done with the,,formality of being friend's ,,and we feel that its sufficient,,we are done with are job..
But the person who's suffering knows,,how it feels wen heart breaks,,and how long time will b taken to recover from such a brutal hurt,. and at that time person feels there's no love only pain and whatever was it was a mistake ,,a infatuation.
Here also persons thinking doesn't end up,,he started gettin pulled off from relationships..,starts making boundaries and at and end love theory is vanished and rude,selfish world theory is activated.
I know there would be people who are in serious relationships, and they must have a strong believe in this love part and I really wish loads f good look for there future and God Bless them with same love and tender care in there relationships, but these days majority is of heart broken people n its increasing day by day an finally it is resulting in creating a mind set of infatuation and hatred among people..and discouraging people to get into any kind of relationships.. which will,, at the end not result in a healthy outcome..
So we people should be bit genuine for others and help them not to form such opinions by taking a very first step from yourself only that if we genuinely like someone,,then only we should approach that person to get into any relationships and should try and carry out it till the end with full trust,loyalty,care and a genuine love..:-) so we can have a better world tomorrow and healthy perspectives tomorrow.:-)
- Gauri Mathur
Unpredictable Life
What a Pleasant Surprise!!!!
Thanks!! :-)