Paper ID B0137 Year: 2009 BBA ( BB - 706) (SO5) SEM: 5th and 6th Management of Financial Institutions Time: 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 Instructions to Candidates: 1) Section - A is Compulsory. 2) Attempt Nine Questions from Section - B Section - A ( 15*2 = 30) Q - 1) a) Name Four ALL India Development banks. b) Role of financial Institutions. c) Explain Risk and Inflation. d) Give Four Main Functions of RBI. e) Define the Term Primary Reserve. f) Mention Two Functions of Money Market. g) Discuss the Role of Capital market. h) What is on - line trading Concept? i) Mention Two Functions of Stock Exchanges. j) What is the qualification for membership in Stock Exchanges? k) Define the meaning of Mutual Fund. l) How Commercial Banks are different from development banks? m) Discuss the problem of time and cost over - runs. n) What is meant by Capital Planning? o) Discuss Two Objectives of UTI. Q 2) Explain the role of Reserve Bank Of India in Development Control. Q 3) What are the Major Str...
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