In the budget session of the Parliament this year, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee increased excise duty on Petro products, I really don't know why. Now, the Congress people have decided to de - regulate prices of petrol and other fuels, so as to bring them to International Market levels. Hence, in a choice of choosing between people of India and Companies marketing oil, they say they have gone for saving the companies. The people well, they say, people can easily cope up with the rise in prices. Of course, Congressmen are right on their part. People of India don't ever care what their party does. They love the lollipops that congress throws on them, like NREGS or Debt payment to the tune of 60,000 crore of farmers. They are devoted to the Gandhi family and Indians it seems, shall foolishly remain devotees of that dynasty. My problem is that, I am not a congressman. Most of the congress people (top people of that party) are rich, I am not. They saying that people can afford ...
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