I am bit agitated. This is the time of the year, when father makes you help him in filing several forms of taxes. And then you switch on your TV set, only to watch, why we the humble Indians should always indulge in the tedious process of tax paying. Every news channel, worth its salt is covering different aspect of corruption in the common wealth games, 2010 to be held in Delhi. The usual intense competition amongst news channel is being helped by the Delhi Government and the organizing committee of the CWG. Hence, everyone is conducting their own investigations and everyone is stumbling upon a new truth. Headlines Today - Told its viewers, rather showed them about the pathetic conditions of the Stadiums on which crores and crores have been spent. NDTV - They are mostly focusing on medical equipment supply, I think. Something, which you could easily get in 30,000 rupees, is being bought by the govt for say, 1 lakh rupees. That too from suspicious looking firms. No prizes are ...
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