I am made to believe that few hours from now, a judgment regarding the Ayodhya title suit case would be declared to the Country. Hopefully, justice shall be done. But what is more important, is the question. Whether Indians would learn any lessons out of this holy mess they have generated? Fried with healthy dose of politics of pseudo secularism, spiced by the unfair reporting by the Press, slowly cooked by the Judiciary for more than 60 years. I, the follower of Lord Ram, feel that my God has been insulted. Thoroughly. You divided the country for the sake of power on communal lines, fine, but to drag Gods in the middle of the street and use it for I don't know what, is bad. Very very Bad. History, points out to the fact that, Babar, the Mughal Emperor, in an attempt to escalate his power, demolished several Hindu Shrines and built Mosques on it. Many of chroniclers of this fact belonged outside India and were not even Hindus. Some evidence has even come to light, which i...
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