I don't want to care where and how and why he went away
I just want to be Selfish Today,
I just want my friend back
He loved Mathematics
I hated Mathematics
Who cares
I just want to be selfish today
I want my friend back
He loved gyming
I kept my distance from those weights
Who cares
I just want to be selfish today
I want my friend back
His room was the epitome of mess and disorder
I liked my room sparkling clean
Who cares
I just want to be selfish today
I want my friend back
He never remembered where he placed anyone's books
I preferred a prim and proper library
Who cares
I just want to be selfish today
I want my friend back
He liked to zoom and zap his bike and car
I wanted a peaceful pace
Who cares
I just want to be selfish today
I want my friend back
He loved gadgets and computers
I use them all, only for my need
Who cares
I just want to be selfish today
I want my friend back
He believed in his friends; their dreams ; their aspirations
I, at times lose faith even in myself
Who cares
I just want to be selfish today
I want my friend back
He enjoyed the game of cricket
To me, it was just another sport
Who cares
I just want to be selfish today
I want my friend back
He had fun brandishing abusive words at his closest friends
I loathed his habit at his face
Who cares
I just want be selfish today
I want my friend back
He was always cynical about God
My God, whom I devotedly worship and pray; took away Sam
Took away Sam
Took away my buddy
For ever … For ever … For ever
And Sam had the last laugh
But I still don't care
I still want to be selfish today
I still want my friend back.