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Causes and home remedies for teenage hair loss

It is not easy to cope up with teenage hair loss problem because if immediate solution is not taken, then this problem can play havoc on teenager’s self-esteem in a big way. Young generation definitely pays great value on how they look so teenage hair loss problem can be real tough for them to handle.
There are many causes of teenage hair loss and homely solutions that can help in combating this condition in an effectual way!
Teenagers love to experiment with their tresses which forced them to make use of number of hair products on their hair. This can be one of the most prominent causes of hair loss in teenagers. The presence of harsh chemicals in hair care products, excessive use of styling instruments like rollers, blow dryers take toll on the health of hair thereby making hair roots weak and eventually causing hair loss.
Even the chemicals which are used during perming and other styling treatments cause hair fall problem in a big way. Not only this, even unhealthy dietary pattern, excessive intake of junk and unhealthy food items fails to provide much needed nourishment which tresses need to grow and stay healthy.
The use of birth control tablets along with medical conditions like alopecia areata and ringworm infections on scalp causes hair loss in teenagers.
Home remedies for teenage hair loss
Proper hair care regime play a great role in reducing the problem of hair fall in teenagers. Teenagers should keep in mind that chemical based hair care ingredients which they use on regular basis do more harm than good and weak the roots of tresses in a big way. Avoid tying hair tightly as tight ponytails devastating for your tresses health. Also do not use rubber bands, instead go for scrunchies and other soft cloth based holders that are easy on your hair and cures damage in long run.
Heat styling treatments also damages your hair in big way and another most significant reason for hair loss in teenagers. Go for wide-toothed comb and brushes made from natural bristles for enhancing the life of your tresses. Also avoid combing wet tresses. Keep in mind that regular use of blow dryers robs off the natural moisture of your hair and thus damages your tresses which finally result into hair fall.
Intake of proper diet too can help in reducing hair fall in teenagers. Remember that there is no alternative to a proper and balanced diet to treat hair loss. Enrich your daily diet with food items rich in vitamin A, C, E as they provide nourishment and essential health to your tresses. Go for walnuts, sardines, soya bean, fish, and sunflower seeds in daily diet. Include protein rich sources and less of carbohydrates for preventing hair loss.
Aloe vera is a natural herb that prevents hair loss in a great way. It balances pH of scalp and promotes follicular growth. Henna is another herbal way to stop hair fall.


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