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Annual Essay Writing Competition, 2013

Presenting, Hope Library's Annual Essay Writing Competition, 2013

College Students aged 18 years and above can apply

Participants can submit their online ( or post us your entries at
C/o Sigma Agro Industries Pvt. Ltd.
‘Sigma House’, B-23, Focal Point, Metro Road, Ludhiana

Theme for the essay is a famous quote attributed to Victoria Billings: Rape is a culturally fostered means of suppressing women. Legally we say we condemn it, but mythically we romanticize and perpetuate it, and privately we excuse and overlook it. 

Ideal word Limit – 2100 - 3700 words

The essays should be in English language only

Winners shall be awarded exciting gifts and prizes

Any attempts at plagiarism will lead to rejection of the entry.

Last date for submitting your entries –  Monday 18th February, 2013

Note: All submitted entries will become property of the Hope Library and it will have the prerogative to publish the best entries on its blog/website. 


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