Here is the next chapter of the story Entangled Lives, the team Potliwale Baba, are writing as a part of #CelebrateBlogging – Game of Blogs. Read the previous posts here: Chapter #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7 | #8 | #9 | #10 “Java the Super Cop”, ahh how much he had wanted that title. Imagine him walking down the streets and people stopping their cars and their work to have a glance, a handshake or an autograph with the greatest policeman ever, Sadashiv Jawalkar. Instead all he ever got was a police medal for bravery. The brave thing he had actually done was to handle wedding arrangements of the Commissioner’s daughter. When that other boy got too close, it was Jawalkar who had taken care of the matter. The Commissioner’s wife was so grateful that she ensured he got the medal. Of course, on paper, it showed nabbing a dangerous criminal while putting his own life in danger. Still it opened doors for Jawalkar, Java, as he was called by m...
Shaping ideas, creating influence