As I write this, we are surrounded by a Global Health Emergency. The Covid-19 virus has not just caused a pandemic but also shaken the way our Planet functions. Picture Copyright Tushar Mangl 2021 Millions are dying, economies shattered, travel is becoming harder by the day, all due to this Pandemic. In this backdrop, it becomes vital that we pay attention to this year's Earth Day theme. In the year 1970, the Earth Day movement began in the United States, raising concerns about the harm to our environment and seeking solutions for the same. In 2021 its purpose remains as relevant as 51 years ago. As our population increases, so is the grave harm to our Planet. It is this harm that is resulting in climate change, threatening ecosystems, and destroying wildlife spaces. Animals to Humans virus transfer thus becomes inevitable, raising possibilities of Pandemics like Covid-19. The theme this restore our Earth might be our chance to atone the mistakes of the past. We ...
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