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Showing posts from September, 2024

Genocide in Gaza: How colonialism has alienated you from your own humanity

The discomfort you feel speaking up about genocide in Palestine: How colonialism has alienated us from humanity Why does speaking about Gaza feel so unsettling? There is an undeniable discomfort that arises when we speak of genocide in Gaza, a conflict rooted not only in geopolitics but also in a long history of colonialism. That discomfort? It is a manifestation of how deeply colonialism has alienated us from our own humanity. It has made us bystanders, distant observers, to a grotesque tragedy that demands our empathy and action. Every day, the children of Gaza are bombarded by forces much larger than themselves—forces of colonial interests, global profits, and silent complicity. How many of us have spoken up about the atrocities in Gaza? How many of us have chosen silence because the violence feels too far away, too complex, or too heavy to carry? That silence—our silence—perpetuates a chasm in our spirit, a gap that must be bridged if we are to mend not just Palestine, but the fray

Coconut Delights

Ingredients Milk or milk Powder. Maida Sugar Coconut pd. METHOD Mix together the condensed milk, milk pd, malai or sugar Make it dough Bake it NOTE - If you want to add any dry fruits in the cake first roll it in the maida. 

Are feminists really fighting patriarchy, or paying bribes to it?

"Why do feminists say, 'Don’t give dowry,' but like appeasing patriarchy for alimony?"   It is an uncomfortable question, isn’t it? But one that deserves to be asked.  The idea of dowry being condemned by feminists, and rightfully so, isn’t controversial. But when it comes to alimony—a system that, in many places, seems almost like a reverse dowry—many of these same voices go silent. What is going on here? Is it simply about equality or something much more?  As someone who’s been quietly observing (and occasionally questioning) the system, I couldn’t help but notice that divorce laws are often less about fairness and more about perpetuating age-old norms. And it is not just about money—it is about alienation, manipulation, and a lack of empathy. In this piece, we are going to explore this complex web through personal stories, facts, and figures, and perhaps, by the end, you will find yourself wondering too: are we fighting patriarchy or paying it off? How are divorce

Milk Biscuits

 Easy to make, delicious snack. Ingredients : Flour - I cup. Butter - 1 Tbsp. Baking powder - 3/4 t. s/p.. Pd. sugar - 1/2 Cup. Milk 1/4 cup. METHOD Sift together atta + sugar  Add butter 🧈  Mix well and make it a sift dough.  Roll it into 1/8" thickness. Cut with cookie cutter Bake it till golden brown.

Unhealed Trauma: Is it holding you back from the life you deserve?

Picture this: you are about to embark on a fantastic new opportunity—perhaps it is a job, a relationship, or even just a hobby that excites you. Deep down, you know it’s what you want. But then, right before you reach out, an inner voice says, “ You are not good enough for this, ” and suddenly you find yourself pulling away. The cycle repeats. Sound familiar? If so, you might be dealing with unhealed trauma, and it could be causing you to miss out on more than you realise. In this article, we will explore the ways unhealed trauma impacts your life, subtly weaving its influence into the opportunities you miss, the connections you avoid, and the self-sabotage you perpetuate. By the end, you willl have a better understanding of why this happens and, more importantly, how to break free from this destructive cycle. What exactly is unhealed trauma? Trauma doesn’t always look like a catastrophic event. It can be as subtle as the emotional neglect you faced as a child or the constant criticism

REI Agro Ltd - rise and fall.: A tale of greed, deception, and lessons

In the bustling world of stock markets, where fortunes are made and lost with the blink of an eye, few tales are as cautionary as that of REI Agro Ltd. Once a star of the Indian stock market, REI Agro's meteoric rise and catastrophic fall serve as a stark reminder of the perils lurking in the financial world. Buckle up as we dive into the dramatic saga of this erstwhile giant, exploring the role of government agencies, the impact on thousands, and what investors can learn from this debacle. The ascent of REI Agro Ltd. REI Agro Ltd. was founded in 1991, focusing primarily on the agro-processing industry, particularly rice milling. The company quickly gained a reputation for its impressive growth and ambitious expansion plans. By the early 2000s, REI Agro had become one of India's leading rice exporters, basking in the glory of its apparent success. It seemed like the company could do no wrong. It also started its own retail supermarket chain. Graph: REI Agro Share Price trend (1

Overnight Oats: Benefits, Recipes, and a Call to Action for Fair pricing

In a world where time is a precious commodity, balancing convenience with health has become a challenge for many. Enter overnight oats—the magical, no-cook breakfast solution that’s nutritious, easy to prepare, and bursting with customization options. Whether you’re a morning person who loves elaborate breakfasts or someone who struggles to leave the bed before the last possible minute, overnight oats have something for everyone. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about overnight oats, from the simplicity of preparation to the incredible health benefits of ingredients like turmeric. We’ll also dive into the economics behind oats and how price hikes affect both consumers and farmers. Stick around for some mouth-watering recipes and a gentle nudge to get involved in a movement for fair oat pricing.  What are Overnight Oats? Overnight oats are essentially oats soaked in liquid overnight, allowing them to absorb the liquid and soften, creating a ready-to-eat, no-co

Bajaj Housing Finance - Why the IPO buzz

Bajaj Housing Finance Company: A Game-Changer in India’s Financial Market and its much-awaited IPO The Indian financial landscape is constantly evolving, and at the heart of this transformation is the housing finance sector. In recent months, one company has managed to grab the spotlight—Bajaj Housing Finance Company (BHFC). With its parent company’s stellar track record, cutting-edge financial solutions, and a much-anticipated Initial Public Offering (IPO), a few years old  Bajaj Housing Finance is creating a significant buzz in the financial market. This article delves deep into Bajaj Housing Finance Company, exploring its background, recent developments, IPO details, and how it stands tall amidst competitors. We will also examine the landscape of housing finance in India, including notable cases of failed companies, giving you a holistic view of the industry. Introduction to Bajaj Housing Finance Company (BHFC) A brief history and background of Bajaj Housing Finance Company  Bajaj