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Book Review: An Old-Fashioned Girl by Betty Neels

A tale of unexpected romance and the charm of simplicity

In Betty Neels’ An Old-Fashioned Girl, a quiet country girl with a sharp tongue and an unconventional style finds herself in the orbit of a wealthy Dutch surgeon, Julius van der Beek. Though Patience is far from the glamorous women typically drawn to Julius, her sincerity and strength slowly make her stand out. Neels’ classic blend of slow-burn romance and heartwarming character development makes this 1993 Mills & Boon release a must-read for fans of traditional love stories.

What makes an Old-Fashioned Girl a like-able read?

Have you ever wondered if opposites really do attract? In An Old-Fashioned Girl, Betty Neels introduces us to Patience Martin, a quiet country girl with no desire to fit the mold of a cosmopolitan beauty. Standing in contrast to Julius van der Beek, a wealthy Dutch surgeon who seems worlds apart from her, the story explores whether the divide between them is truly as wide as it appears.

Book Review: An Old-Fashioned Girl by Betty Neels

Who is Patience Martin?

You might be asking, who exactly is Patience Martin? Let’s paint the picture. She’s a no-nonsense, sharp-tongued young woman who, by society’s standards, has an “abominable taste in clothes.” But that’s exactly what makes her stand out. Neels’ ability to craft characters who are deeply relatable, yet wonderfully unique, shines in Patience. Her inner strength, practicality, and refusal to conform to traditional feminine ideals give her a richness that many readers—myself included—can’t help but admire.

While other heroines might throw themselves at Julius, Patience remains dignified and restrained, which makes her all the more compelling. She’s not one to chase after a man or change herself to suit him. I think this is something we can all resonate with—being true to ourselves, even when the world tells us to be someone else.

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Is Julius van der Beek a Typical Romantic Hero?

Now, let us talk about Julius van der Beek. At first glance, he seems to tick all the boxes of a classic Mills & Boon hero. He’s wealthy, intelligent, and dashingly handsome. But here’s where Neels does something subtle yet brilliant—she doesn’t just make Julius a brooding, untouchable character. He’s not aloof or emotionally stunted; he’s caring and deeply observant, even if he sometimes hides behind a mask of cool professionalism.

Julius is a man who is used to being pursued, particularly by women like Sylvia van Teule, the glamorous but shallow socialite who makes no secret of her intentions to marry him. Yet, it’s his growing admiration for Patience’s honesty, her wit, and her stubborn refusal to change for anyone that slowly cracks open his polished exterior.

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How Does Neels Handle the Romance?

One thing I’ve always admired about Betty Neels is how she never rushes the romance in her stories. There’s no whirlwind courtship or grand declarations of love by the second chapter. Instead, Neels creates a slow-burn romance that feels authentic and well-earned.

In An Old-Fashioned Girl, the love story develops quietly, almost under the radar. Julius and Patience aren’t two people who instantly fall head over heels; instead, they gradually come to understand and respect one another. It’s a refreshing change from the dramatic romances often found in modern books, and it’s precisely what makes this novel feel timeless.

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Does the Plot Hold Up?

If you’re someone who enjoys plot twists or unexpected events, you might find this book a bit on the predictable side. But that’s not to say it’s dull. On the contrary, the simplicity of the plot is part of its charm. The focus is entirely on the characters and their slow, emotional journey towards love. There’s something deeply comforting about the way Neels lets the story unfold naturally, without unnecessary drama or exaggerated conflicts.

Patience and Julius’s relationship evolves not because of some contrived misunderstanding but through moments of quiet reflection, shared experiences, and subtle realizations. And it’s these small, tender moments that make the book so satisfying.

A Famous Quote from the Book?

There’s one quote from An Old-Fashioned Girl that really stands out:
"It’s not the grand gestures that matter; it’s the quiet moments when no one else is looking."
This encapsulates the heart of the story. Julius and Patience don’t need fireworks to fall in love—just time, patience (no pun intended), and genuine connection.

Is Sylvia van Teule a Typical Antagonist?

Ah, Sylvia van Teule—the quintessential glamorous rival who believes she’s destined to marry Julius. But let me be clear: she’s not just a one-dimensional villain. Neels writes Sylvia as a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it. In a way, Sylvia represents everything Patience is not: beautiful, fashionable, and outwardly perfect.

However, it’s Sylvia’s lack of depth and sincerity that ultimately alienates her from Julius. While she might look the part of his ideal wife, it’s Patience’s authenticity that truly captivates him. This contrast between the two women is subtle but effective, and it’s one of the reasons why Neels’ characters feel so real.

What about the setting?

Neels was known for her detailed settings, often inspired by her time living in the Netherlands. In An Old-Fashioned Girl, the Dutch countryside plays an important role, offering a backdrop that’s both picturesque and symbolic of the quiet, understated nature of the romance.

From the bustling streets of London to the peaceful canals of the Netherlands, the setting enhances the sense of two different worlds colliding. Yet, much like Patience and Julius’s relationship, the setting is never ostentatious—it simply adds texture to the story, enriching the reader’s experience.

What Are the Themes in the Book?

At its core, An Old-Fashioned Girl explores several timeless themes:

  • Authenticity: Patience’s refusal to conform to society’s expectations is a central theme.
  • Patience and Time: The slow burn of Julius and Patience’s romance mirrors the value of waiting for the right moment.
  • Social Class and Expectations: The contrast between Patience’s humble upbringing and Julius’s wealth is central to the story.

The themes resonate because they remain relevant, even decades after the book was first published in 1993. Society’s pressure on women to look and act a certain way hasn’t gone away, and Patience’s journey is a reminder of the importance of staying true to oneself.

Why Read Betty Neels today?

Betty Neels may have passed away in 2001, but her work remains beloved by readers worldwide. There’s a reason her books continue to be reprinted and enjoyed, even in today’s fast-paced world. Neels writes with a quiet elegance that draws readers into her stories, making them feel like a gentle escape from reality.

If you’re tired of contemporary romances with too much drama or unrealistic plotlines, Neels offers something different—romance that’s built on respect, kindness, and genuine affection.

Are there any criticisms?

Of course, no book is without its flaws. Some readers may find An Old-Fashioned Girl a bit too old-fashioned for their taste. The pacing is slow, and the lack of intense drama might not appeal to everyone. Additionally, while Patience’s simplicity is part of her charm, some might argue that her character could have been developed further.

However, these criticisms are minor in the grand scheme of things. For fans of classic romance, An Old-Fashioned Girl delivers exactly what it promises—a heartfelt, satisfying love story.

Who should read this book?

If you are a fan of gentle, slow-burn romances with strong, relatable heroines, you’ll like An Old-Fashioned Girl. This book is for readers who enjoy authors like Georgette Heyer or Mary Stewart, and it is a great introduction to Betty Neels if you’ve never read her before.

Final Thoughts?

An Old-Fashioned Girl is a warm, comforting read that reminds us of the beauty of simplicity. It’s a story about two people who, despite their differences, find love in the most unexpected of places. In a world that often feels chaotic, Betty Neels offers a soothing escape into a romance that is genuine and timeless.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is An Old-Fashioned Girl a standalone novel?
    Yes, like many of Betty Neels’ books, it can be enjoyed as a standalone.

  2. How does An Old-Fashioned Girl compare to modern romance novels?
    Neels’ writing is slower and more character-focused, with less emphasis on drama and more on emotional depth.

  3. What makes Betty Neels’ books timeless?
    Neels’ focus on authenticity, slow-burn romance, and rich character development makes her work stand out, even decades later.

  4. Is there a movie adaptation of An Old-Fashioned Girl?
    No, there hasn’t been a film adaptation of this particular book.

  5. What other books by Betty Neels should I read?
    Some other great titles include The Convenient Wife and Cassandra by Chance.

Author Bio:
Tushar Mangl writes on business, books, mental health, food, leisure, and a greener, better society. He is the author of Hey Honey Bunch, Ardika, and The Avenging Act.


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