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Showing posts with the label SJ

A tale of 1 country: Brothers in arms

I stand at my balcony and watch the unfortunate (no not unfortunate) events unfold 2 floors down. Dadi (grandmother) has fallen to the ground and is crying, my mother has a face of steel, its frozen into a blank stare; I know this state, I have seen it before, she is controlling herself showing a brave and proud wife to the world. She is helping dadi. Uncle keeps pointing past the gate and is shouting something at dada (grandfather). Dada has just locked the gate and is walking back to the house. Past the gate I can see a group of people all clad in white, surrounding something lying on the ground covered with a white cloth. My governess Shobhadi stands next to me holding me, afraid that I'll run downstairs into the scene unfolding. She and and the servants have been given strict orders that I can not be allowed downstairs. Dada thinks I do not understand what is happening, he thinks I cannot comprehend what is going on, but I do. The year is 19...

Is India truly Secular??

A horror of present India >> Along with rising sex discrimination are we leaving behind our secular tag? Will India ultimately become a theocracy?? I shudder to think of the day when we openly start discriminating. Seeing the happenings over the past year all i can see is us taking multiple steps backwards. We have to learn to move forward. Once the most tolerant of all nations we are now moving back into the intolerant mindsets of the European middle ages. If there are any journos on this blog or who read this blog i request you to bring up and highlight issues of secularism in this country. We need to move forward not backward !! -> SJ


I'm sorry for breaking the 48 hour period once again... but this important piece of news has come my way and i think we all should read this and LAMENT and CRY at what our country and its populace has become! Cowards! Blech!! And she wept... " I have never felt like leaving my country for good. Yesterday I felt that. For that day I was homeless and orphaned and helpless in a way like never before. The residual feeling today is one of deep sadness at the frailty of humanity. The end of innocence for having stared at the nobility of the human spirit caving into the heart of darkness. I am tired." And so should we all!!

Its Time Folks!!

-> Muthalik's cry against Valentine's Day or his horrific beating of defenseless girls in Mangalore. (disgraceful but i'm sure he was jealous coz he is still a bachelor at that ripe old age) -> Bombings planned by Hindu Religious Leaders and the emergence of "Indian Mujahideen". (stupid fools can think of only violence and even a sadhvi was a part of this. I'm sure each everyone is corrupt. I won't be surprised if they were working for some islamic terrorist group) -> The atrocities against Christianity in Mangalore and Orissa. (Shows that our country's intellectual level is growing in reverse!!) -> Curtailing of pub culture in the Pub City of India. (Again socialistic losers who think they are correct and people should live in only way!! U asses democracy means freeedom of individuals and an individual never lives in the same way as others do!!) -> Rajasthan CM announcing that he will do away with mall culture. (I think he is working fo...

Morality a conundrum, i say!

I thought assault was a criminal offence and i also thought Lord Rama was a just and fair king who never deliberately imposed himself on others. So then why is this stupid party who call themselves Sri Rama Sena imposing themselves on others and attacking girls. In India we have a heritage of non-violence against girls. We have a heritage of respecting the female sex, protecting them and upholding their virue; then why are these right-wing fundamentalist parties doing the exact opposite? Is Mr. Mutalik so insecure threatened that he goes out and attacks girls who only want some relaxation and enjoy time? He says girls drinking wine is not the culture of India, then Mr. Mutalik what is the culture of India? Let me answer that, India does not have a culture of her own. She has always adapted to the culture of the current times over the thousands of years she has existed. She adapted when the rajputs and Hindus ruled the country, she adapted towards Islam when the Mulsim kings ruled  and ...

The spirit of India..

We are the biggest democracy in the world with numerous (i'm not sure if its the most in the world) number of languages and dialects. With extremely varying cultures existing in every corner of the country. I think its time to remind everybody of the TRUE spirit of India. "Unity in Diversity"

Dumb Indians?

Some more thought on EDUCATION. This was originally written by me on my personal blog... but i think this will go very well in this arena too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The fundamental issue that India has and not easily solvable is average IQ being low. India's average IQ is 81, while that of most progressed countries is above 97. China surprisingly has an average IQ of 100. India being a truely democratic country, the government is represented by majority, and majority has an IQ below 70 (IQ distribution is vast in India). Hence you get a government elected by morons, representing morons, and full of morons. And since these morons govern justice system, education system, healthcare, you name it, a person with an engineering degree, or a doctor, or a lawyer from India on average has an IQ of 81 as well. While the requirements of bec...

A note on Independance Day..

On any day of the year if you walk down the streets of any Indian city you will see people rushing about their businesses, kids running around enjoying their carelessness so on and so forth. There would be the sounds of men shouting on the street, cars honking, sounds of machines running etc. But what you would never hear on a day like that is music, specially patriotic music or the national anthem, being played loudly in the open for all to hear and the Tricolour being brandished from every possible nook and corner of the city around you. Its quite surprising how Indians wake up to celebrate their Independance Day and showing off their patriotic fervour only on 15th August. Every home, car and person would be brandishing the Tricolour on this day. You'll see kids running around waving the flag high and people paying a lot of respect to the flag and even saluting the flag like military cadets. You will notice a very strong love shown by the Indians towards the national flag, but th...


I was quite surprised to find an invitation in my email inbox to write and contribute to this blog. A blog i hadn't seen before and moderators and contributors who i do not know. I was in 2 minds and unsure if i should accept or not, but a look through the blog made me realise that all this while i have wanted to do something for the country and voice my opinions. How can i refuse when i get this chance? So here i am; a contributor to this blog. I'd like to thank the moderators for inviting me and also assure them that i'll do my best to write as much as i can. On an introductory note: I'm currently working towards getting into an MBA college and i love writing. To know more about me you can visit my other blogs! :) Thanx once again! --> SJ