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A great time pass but quite knowledgeful blog-o-site

Here is a website, every one must check out. This is called these people have loads of quizzez and other stuff for loads of fun that you can have. For example i took this quiz named Are you a Jerk? And irrespective of what you all think :-P You Are Not a Jerk You treat everyone as fairly as possible. You think it's important to be good to people. You may feel like being rude at times, but you hold back. You are civilized. While you are considerate, you don't go overboard. You only show others the same respect you'd expect. Those who want to take advantage of you may accuse you of being a jerk, but in truth, they're the real jerks! Are You a Jerk? So, you see it is a good time pass stuff. Here lemme try another It asks, what is your Name Power, so I typed in my name and now it says Your Name's Power is Intuition Your name's power is that it helps you be intuitive. Your name conveys both influence and communicati

Election 2009’s turning point??

L.K. Advani proved yet once again, why he is the Chanakya. As a leader, and the prime minister of this country, I have my reservations against him. But, as a politician and a strategist, yesterday he delivered what could possibly be a crucial blow to the government by calling the Prime Minister to a televised national debate . When Manmohan Singh lashed out against Advani 3 days back, I was surprised and impressed. Yesterday, it was Advani’s turn to impress me. In an era where political leadership is seeing a global transformation across the world, the educated masses have been hoping for an American style of presidential debate in India. With the PMO refusing Advani’s challenge , the repurcussions, I believe, will be felt as the campaigning progresses, and clearly, Advani has won this round. By inviting Manmohan Singh for an open debate, he has taken responded to Manmohan’s accusations without adding any further mudslinging, character assasination and yet dwelving on his st

Ragging - Can’t be eradicated??

Last week a life has been lost due to the thugs in the name of students. The reason behind it is ragging, a culture which is being followed in many a colleges by the senior students. Its happening everywhere in this country. But it seems like, it has been happening more in engineering and medical colleges. That’s how it is getting interpreted. You all may have known the medical college student died due to ragging. But what could have been missed from your notice is suicide attempt of a girl due to ragging in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. It will be shocking to hear what has been done to her. Her seniors forced her to dance in nude in front of them. She is an agricultural engineering student. And well, you must have known now, how evil the minds of an engineering or medical student. It is said to be that, ragging is a kind of culture which helps to build a good relationship between junior and senior students. There are some fun things which will build some great rapport between them. Bu
"ज़िन्दगी यह सफर में है, कट रहा है रास्ता; हमसफ़र तो है मगर, मंजिलें हैं जुदा जुदा..."

The media's right to offend.

Something really queer: If this was a newspaper article, and I said that cat lovers generally smell bad, I'd be breaking the law! Why? Because, it seems, my statement will offend cat lovers! Sweeping generalizations, satire, and jokes that hurt the sentiments of the minority (yes, yes, cat lovers are rare, people) are not just frowned upon, but are illegal. To say the least, I think the "law" needs to do some self assessment and stop behaving like a prissy nursery school teacher (and yes, every bit of offense in this article is intended). No matter what spin people try to put on it, penalizing offensive opinions is going against the right to freedom of expression. First off, the very principle of this law is ridiculous. No doubt, the public expression of offensive opinions is going to cause discontent and anger among people who disagree with the opinion. It might even lead to violence on the part of the offended party. The same way that accusing the school bully of being

Politics - A Profession

This post is loosely inspired by the  TATA Tea a d  where this politician goes to ask for votes and a voter asks him for his qualification and work experience the the important 'job' that he is embarking upon. The politician laughs at the voter, asking him what job is the voter referring to. The voter responds, "The job to run the country". Do politicians in other countries view politics as a profession? Or is politics viewed similarly across international boundaries? The best way of course to find out is go to that ever useful tool for professionals - LinkedIn.  Here are the results: Barrack Obama Hillary Clinton Sarah Palin The apparently technologically challenged Senator   John McCain . I also came across many politicians, prime ministers who have LinkedIn profiles. While having a LinkedIn profile is not a certificate of a person character, one has to appreciate the intent. Reach out to masses, and more importantly, take politics as a profession. Successful leader

And I stopped taking my education for granted!

Hello everyone, this is my first post on Jagruti. In my own life, short and therefore lacking in experience though it is, I've come across quite a lot of issues ranging from domestic violence, incest, obstacles to woman's education and career, dowry deaths, suicide, ragging etc and a host of other social evils that has bothered me or the people I know, friends and family. These are not stories that I read about in newspapers, but the truths in many modern and supposedly civilized homes. While growing up, I used to hear or witness these horrid stories and wonder what brings about the savage beast in man which leads him to commit such crimes.And most of the times, I regret to admit, I couldn't do much but remain a mute spectator because my family didn't want to get into any mess. I'm just 23 years old, and I've seen the worst kind of men possible. But I still think that the world is a beautiful place, and there's still lot of hope. I'm a medical student