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Shattering Sunshine

You are alone in a cell you built for yourself. Distanced from the sun and noise of the world. That's is the problem with fantasies. You want to head out, explore, have new adventures. But all you get is sunshine. Sunshine that glares you down. You get scared and go back to your cocoon. Yet, the desires of adventures unexplored remain. They always remain. But sunshine. Makes you crouch. Makes your back turn around. It shatters.

Karma and Ignorance

Man is born to do karma. All the problems arise when man tries to avoid  karma. Man cannot avoid work. Even thinking about something is karma, so  man cannot avoid doing karma. Ignorance causes evil. Ignoring something is  all about not thinking in-depth about the root cause of it. Taking action  or not is another matter, it is a different karma. Monitoring one's  thoughts is important as it determines whether we are doing good karma or  not.

Easy Ways to Make Money Online

Short on cash? With however much time you have in your day, try one or a few of these easy ways to make money. Some of these can even turn into a full time job if you’re successful. ·       Sell stuff on eBay and other similar websites. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. There is no cost for putting a product up for sale, but the reward is more than you had. Put a product up for bid or for fast sale to earn a quick buck. ·       Blogging can certainly earn a few extra. Put some classifieds on your blog, as hosting ads on your blog or blogging website can surprisingly earn you a decent wage. ·       Moderate forums on any topic you choose. Company and creators of forums don’t have time to troll their site and delete the inappropriate comments and will usually pay someone else to do it for them. And the good news for you is there will always be a forum that needs moderating. ·       Researchers are always in need of subjects and often put their surveys up online for people to
India and Indians have always been going crazy over outdated western hand me outs. Be it, pesticides, cosmetics, defense equipments, fashion or an aging porn star

Hooplah over FDI in retail

Off late, everyone is jumping up and down on FDI in retail and the problems it will solve (As if it is the ultimate panacea of all the problems in India). Frankly it is boring to the point of a piss off. It now seems that everyone in the nation is advocating this FDI as if they are the experts on economic affairs or trade affairs. Well, if we have such a dumb economist of a Prime Minister, why can't we brag something about economics? But the advantages being pointed out, are far too exaggerated and  cheesy. It is like you are going to thrust them down my throat. I now even expect to read yet another article, plea in a newspaper that may write that Indians would stop raping their woman if they get more retail stores. Seriously, why all this fuss for a grocery store man? I like reforms, I like a free economy, I like agriculture. I love shopping. But all this going on in the media and elsewhere is pure sham. For more than 60 years Indians could do nothing for their farmers, except pum

Dengue Musings

One day, my friend, a doctor informed me about a dengue prevention camp that he was going to conduct. A part of me, wanted to visit, but I couldn't attend because of some reason. Mostly, I wanted to go to support my friend. Why would I need a dengue prevention medicines, I haughtily wondered at that time. But, in reality I was at a high dengue risk, unknown to anyone. My office was flooded with mosquitoes and a portion of it was flooded by water. Perhaps at the office or some other place, the mosquito attacked me. As a consequence, my platelets spiraled down, as my temperature shot up. It was a sick time. Down on bed all the time, with nothing to do. Add to it, my heart's misery. Having lost a friend to dengue, exactly a year ago, the time that passed was tough on me. Could I be joining him? Or I am the one, destined to suffer on Earth here? Questions often tormented my mind. I think of it now, and I realize that yes, I was ready to meet the creator. (Or whomsoever you meet, wh