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Course Title - History of Medieval India from 1000-1707 A.D. LPU Question Paper

Course Code:DHIS 102 Time Allowed: 3 Hours                                                                                     Max. Marks:80 1. This paper contains 10 questions divided in two parts on 1 page. 2. Part A is compulsory. 3. In Part B (Questions 2 to 10), attempt any 6 questions out of 9. Attempt all parts of the selected question. 4. The Marks assigned to each question are shown at the end of each question in square brackets. 5. Answer all questions in serial order. 6. The student is required to attempt the question paper in English, Hindi or Punjabi medium. Part A   (2x10) marks Q1). (a) Who wrote Tuzuk I Jahangiri? b) What do you understand b slave dynasty? c) Who was Malik Kafur? d) Name Mohammad Bin Tughlaq's second capital. e) Name the 2 coins of Iltutmish. f) Who was Ibn Batuta? g)In which year second battle of  Tarain was fought? h) Who started Din I Ilahi? i) Who was Shivaji? j) Who was the great economist of Medieval India? Part B                    (6x10) mar

History of Ancient India Upto 1000 A.D. LPU Question Paper

Course Code:DHIS 101 Time Allowed: 3 Hours                                                                                     Max. Marks:80 1. This paper contains 10 questions divided in two parts on 1 page. 2. Part A is compulsory. 3. In Part B (Questions 2 to 10), attempt any 6 questions out of 9. Attempt all parts of the selected question. 4. The Marks assigned to each question are shown at the end of each question in square brackets. 5. Answer all questions in serial order. 6. The student is required to attempt the question paper in English, Hindi or Punjabi medium. Part A   (2x10) marks Q1. a) Write a short note on "Arthashastra". b) Who was Chandragupta Maurya? c) Who was Arya Bhatt? d) Who is known as Napoleon of India and why? e) Write any four principles of Buddhism. f) Define Shaivism. g) Write a short note on development of science during Gupta's period. h) Write a short note on Great Bath. i) Briefly discuss the position of wome

Life and making of Gandhi LPU Question paper

Course Code:DHIS 104 Time Allowed: 3 Hours                                                                                     Max. Marks:80 1. This paper contains 10 questions divided in two parts on 1 page. 2. Part A is compulsory. 3. In Part B (Questions 2 to 10), attempt any 6 questions out of 9. Attempt all parts of the selected question. 4. The Marks assigned to each question are shown at the end of each question in square brackets. 5. Answer all questions in serial order. 6. The student is required to attempt the question paper in English, Hindi or Punjabi medium. Part A   (2x10) marks Q-1a) Define "Satyagraha". b) What do you know about "Rowlatt Act"? c) Briefly discuss about Mahatma Gandhi's views to empower women. d) What do you know about "Untouchability"? e) Write a short note on "Champaran Satyagraha". f) What do you know about "Communal Awards"? g)Define term "swadeshi". h) Write any two causes for Mahatma Ga


Course Code:DPOL101 Time Allowed: 3 Hours                                                                                     Max. Marks:80 1. This paper contains 10 questions divided in two parts on 1 page. 2. Part A is compulsory. 3. In Part B (Questions 2 to 10), attempt any 6 questions out of 9. Attempt all parts of the selected question. 4. The Marks assigned to each question are shown at the end of each question in square brackets. 5. Answer all questions in serial order. 6. The student is required to attempt the question paper in English, Hindi or Punjabi medium.                                                                       Part A   (2x10) marks Q.1 Attempt all the questions" a) Write down any two characterstics of political theory. b) What are different kinds of power according to Max Weber? c) Define State. d) Define Sovereignty according to Bodin. e) What is the difference between Negative and Positive Liberty? f) What do you mean by Equality? g) What is the mean

Drowned in half a glass of Acid

This is the story of Harpreet Kaur. A girl from a small town in Punjab who probably had a lot of dreams like all young people have. 7th of December, 2013 was supposed to be a big day for the 22 year old. She was getting married. But at around 9 in the morning when she was being readied for the big moment at an upmarket beauty salon in Ludhiana, a boy masked with a handkerchief barged into the salon and spilled acid on her. Before running away he dropped a note which spoke about a love affair that never materialized. Everyone naturally thought that it was a jilted lover who did it. People have known to commit worse things for love. But not the mother of the victim. She suspected a woman relative from the groom's side. Indeed it happened to be true. The woman was the groom's brother's divorced wife who out of spite wanted to ruin the wedding. So what does she do? She cooks up this conspiracy along with her paramour and some hired goons to throw acid on the young girl so a

The Dangerous Experiment with the Aam Aadmi Party

In the year 2011, a movement was launched for a jan lokpal by activist Anna Hazare. We all know about it. Many of us especially born in the late 80s or early 90s were quite fascinated by the sheer energy of the movement. Our parents might have had seen another high voltage movement by Jai Prakash Narayan in the 70s but for us, this was our very first large social movement. Add the high density exposure of social as well as television and it was all very good. We have read about the JP movement and it was already clear that even though the two movements could not be compared but they both were similar in the sense, they both caught the anger of the people against the governments of their times and channelized it into their movements. Hence, it was clear that like in JP era, here also, politicians would be produced. A large part of the present leadership in India from Nitish Kumar to Arun Jaitley is a product of the JP movement. From the Anna movement came Arvind Kejriwal a former I

The Mayhem at Uttrakhand this June of 2013

First, they feminized rivers. Then they said, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" Then they forgot to connect the obvious dots. Recently, rains, followed by a cloudburst or two, caused a major havoc at Uttarakhand, a Northern state in India. UK, as I fondly call it, is a beautiful place. It is also a Devbhoomi, a land of many Gods, temples, pilgrimages and also the place where Holy Rivers are at their very best. The rivers mainly being Ganga and Yamuna. It is here in UK, where the Britishers built the hill station of Mussoorie. Again, in Rishikesh, another district of UK, many foreigners like Steve Jobs and Rock Bands like Beatles come to seek nirvana or learn Yoga or just to do what tourists do. Technically speaking, each Hindu has to land here for upon cremation, the ashes have to immersed here in Haridwar, another place in UK popular amongst visitors. The list goes on and on. Basically, you can stay there for months and discover yet a new place that