This story follows Shamas and Anamica, two individuals navigating love, loyalty, and relationships with humour and warmth. Through their sharp banter and deep conversations, the tale explores the nuances of commitment, emotional vulnerability, and what it truly means to be irreplaceable. A charming blend of wit, heart, and laughter — this is a story for anyone who's ever loved deeply. --- You know how some stories begin with "Once upon a time" and you immediately think, “Well, here comes another fairy tale”? My story, though, has no such illusion. This is real life—complete with the kind of moments that are both funny and achingly true. The kind of story that might make you say, “That’s exactly me.” Or perhaps, “I would never.” But whether you like it or not, the tale of Shamas and Anamica is one you’ll remember. Shamas, my friend, was always the funny one. You know the type: quick-witted, always ready with a joke, but rarely letting anyone past his defences. Then there w...
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